
Aurelius Education · 4131次阅读 · 2019年3月27日 14:48


  • 成立于1451年,全球最为古老的十所大学之一,历史超过500年

  • 英国老牌红砖大学之一

  • 英国名校联盟“罗素大学集团”和国际大学组织“Universitas 21”的创始成员

  • 培养出7位诺贝尔奖获得者,2位英国首相,4位高等院校的创建者

  • 优秀校友:经济学之父亚当·斯密、工业革命之父詹姆斯·瓦特、英国首相亨利·坎贝尔·班纳曼、加拿大麦吉尔大学创办人詹姆斯·麦吉尔、著名科学家开尔文等


  • 在最具权威性的QS世界大学排名:


  • 2019Times排名——第17(2013年15位)
  • 2014年REF研究实力综合排名第13位
  • 会计与金融——第7
  • 计算机与信息科学——第10


  • 学校下辖的图书馆是全英第三大大学图书馆(仅次于牛津大学图书馆和剑桥大学图书馆)。
  • 全日制学生总数大约23000人(17000本科生&6000硕士生),来自世界各地120个国家,是英国的大型院校之一。该大学下设 100 多个系,分属于四大学院:文学院、医学院、工学院(航天、土木工程、电子与电器、机械与造船)、社会科学学院(法、商及社会学院)。格拉斯哥大学开设多种本科课程以及研究生课程,每个系均开设博士课程。
  • 世界一流学科:经济学、医学、兽医学、生命科学、工程学、教育学、计算机科学


Glasgow大学是罗素集团的成员(罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)成立于1994年,由英国一流的研究型大学组成,包含有24所大学。




Glasgow大学的历史艺术学院(Department of History of Art)在全英排名第一。





Accounting and Finance Programmes

  • International Accounting & Financial Management [MAcc]
  • International Banking & Finance [MSc]
  • International Corporate Finance & Banking [MSc]
  • International Finance [MFin]
  • Investment Banking & Finance [MSc]

Economics Programmes

  • Economics [MRes]
  • Economics, Banking & Finance [MSc]
  • Financial Economics [MSc]

Management Programmes

  • Management [MSc]
  • Management with Human Resources [MSc]
  • Management with International Finance [MSc]



Reject Reason

1. 均分没达到要求

  • The final average score of your undergraduate studies is too low for admission to postgraduate studies at the University of Glasgow.
  • The average percentage in your academic studies to date is too low and not sufficient to meet our entry requirements for this MSc programme.
  • Your grades in the core subjects required for admission to your chosen Masters programme were too low.
  • Your grades in the mathematics subjects required for admission to your chosen master's programme were too low.
  • Your academic standard to date is too low and not sufficient to meet our entry requirements for the MSc programme.
  • The average percentage in your academic studies to date is too low and not sufficient to meet our entry requirements for this MSc programme.

2. 学校背景不够

  • Your degree was obtained from a 'sanben', independent or international college which is not approved for admission to the University of Glasgow. Unfortunately, this means that we are not able to consider you for any other postgraduate taught degree.
  • Your undergraduate degree was obtained from an institution which is not approved for admission to the University of Glasgow. Please note that unfortunately, this means that we are not able to consider you for any other postgraduate taught degree.
  • Due to high competition for places within the Business School, we can only accept degrees from a select group of highly ranked universities and your degree was not obtained from this group. You may still be eligible for a non-Business School programme.

3. 申请专业不适合

  • The content of your undergraduate degree was not relevant for admission to your chosen Master‘s programme.
  • Your undergraduate degree and/or its content is not suitable for the program you have applied for.
  • You have not completed the minimum number of core modules for admission to this Master's degree programme. In addition, the core modules that you have studied are too low for consideration for this programme.


  • Your application has been unsuccessful due to the high level of competition.