昆士兰大学2021年本科课程变化: 人文及社会科学

aurelius · 73075次阅读 · 2020年11月12日 11:18

2021 Undergraduate Program Changes: Humanities and Social Sciences


UQ recognises that we must ensure we are developing enterprising graduates with the knowledge, skills and networks to build meaningful, impactful, and sustainable lifelong careers. The University has conducted a comprehensive review of every course, major and degree program on offer at UQ. We want to ensure we are equipping Humanities and Social Sciences graduates with the practical, interdisciplinary and critical thinking skills to thrive in any possible future. Following substantial program reviews, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are excited to announce program updates effective from Semester 1, 2021.



Program updates The following undergraduate programs will have some changes to their program terminology and structures. 以下的本科课程将会在专业术语和结构上有所改变。 •Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Honours) •Bachelor of Arts •Bachelor of Communication •Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Honours) •Bachelor of Education (Primary) •Bachelor of Education (Secondary) - dual program only •Bachelor of International Studies •Bachelor of Journalism •Bachelor of Music (Honours) •Bachelor of Social Science

Major 2021 program changes 2021专业方向变更

Bachelor of Arts •Removal of gateway, cornerstone and capstone terminology – new terms ‘compulsory’ and ‘elective’. •Change in the definition of an 8 units minor. •Discontinuation of the major and two minor structure for the single and dual programs. •Discontinuation of some study plans – a full list of 2021 plans can be found on the Bachelor of Arts 2021 webpage, in the 'What you can study' tab.

New study plans •Ancient Greek major •Ancient Greek minor •French Advanced major •French Advanced minor •Japanese Advanced extended major •Japanese Advanced major •Japanese Advanced minor •Latin major •Latin minor •Studies in Australian Culture minor has been changed to Australian Studies minor

Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Honours) •Discontinuation of extended majors in Studies in Religion, Mathematics, and Drama.

Bachelor of Communication •Change from 20 units of Compulsory Courses (Part A) to 16 units of Core Courses. •Change 12 unit majors to 16 unit majors for Public Relations and Digital Media. •Discontinuation of three minors in: Advertising, Event Management and Health Communication.

Bachelor of Social Science •Change from 20 units Compulsory Courses (Part A) to 16 units of Core Courses. •Change 12 unit majors to 16 unit majors. •Discontinuation of two majors in: Health and Society, and Social and Public Policy. •Introduction of a new major in: Health and Social Policy. •Discontinuation of minors in: Development, Health and Society, and Social and Public Policy.