
aurelius · 63060次阅读 · 2020年10月28日 16:56

Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

UQ recognises that we must ensure we are developing enterprising graduates with the knowledge, skills and networks to build meaningful and impactful careers that can be sustained and adapted over the course of a lifetime.

The University has conducted a comprehensive review of every course, major and degree program on offer at UQ to make sure that we were delivering the best possible outcomes for students as they embark on navigating their careers. 昆士兰大学所提供的每一门课程、专业和学位项目都进行了全面的审查,以确保我们为学生提供最好的可能的结果,帮助他们开拓职业生涯。 Following substantial program reviews, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law are excited to announce some new updates to undergraduate programs from Semester 1, 2021.


Program updates

Bachelor of Business Management: two new majors, joining a list of five already existing majors.

工商管理学士学位:新增两个专业,目前已有五个专业方向。 •Innovation and Entrepreneurship (NEW) •Leadership and Management Science (NEW)

Please note that our Advertising major will be discontinued from 2021.


Bachelor of Commerce: one new major, joining a list of three already existing majors.

商学士:一个新的专业方向,加入了已有的三个专业。 •Business Analytics (NEW) 商业分析

Bachelor of Economics: one new major and some updated major names, making a total of four available majors in the program.

经济学学士:一个新的专业和一些更新的专业名称,使总共有四个专业可供选择。 •Economics and Public Policy •Economics of Strategy and Behaviour (NEW) •International and Financial Economics (currently International Trade and Finance) •Quantitative Analysis (currently Quantitative Methods)

Please note that the following two majors will be discontinued from 2021: Business and Industry and Natural Resources and Environment.


Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (formerly named Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management): new majors and a new program name. 旅游、酒店和活动管理学士(原国际酒店和旅游管理学士):新专业和新项目名称。 •Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (BTHEM) (NEW PROGRAM NAME) •Hotel and Hospitality Management (NEW) •Tourism and Event Management (NEW)

Please note that the following majors will be discontinued from 2021: Event Management, Hospitality Management and Tourism Management. Applicants will be able to select one of the new majors towards the BTHEM program.


International Admissions will be in touch with students at offer or acceptance stage that will be impacted by these changes.
