诺丁汉大学2021年1月开课的课程清单,不在以下列表中的课程将于2020年9月开学,课程长度仍然为12个月。 The following programmes will now begin on Monday 25 January 2021. These are the only January changes that we expect and so if the course is not listed, it will begin in September unless advised otherwise.
January starts
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Banking and Finance
MSc Business and Management
MSc Human Resource Management and Organisation
MSc International Business
MSc International Tourism Management and Marketing
MSc Management
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Risk Management
PGCert Banking and Finance
PGDip Accounting and Finance
PGDip Management
同时学校已于6月25日开始联系OFFER HOLDERS, 给OFFER HOLDER的邮件中,请特别关注语言课的变化,即对于1月入学的学生,原先的暑期语言课时间也会延后至秋季(10月-12月)进行。
Presessional English course changes
In line with moving the start date of these degree courses to January 2021, if you have an offer to join us for a presessional English language course this summer, we will also move this to the autumn.
Your new language course will take place between October and December 2020. This will support you to develop your language and academic skills and connect with your peers as you prepare for your degree studies. In the meantime, we advise that you do not register for your summer course.
If, however, you do not want to do this and would prefer to study your presessional course in the summer, please complete this form.