
aurelius · 11353次阅读 · 2020年6月13日 14:20

The Government announced today that Aotearoa New Zealand will move to Alert Level 1 from 11.59pm tonight (Monday 8 June). A move to Alert Level 1 means there are no restrictions on our daily routines, but New Zealand borders will remain closed with mandatory isolation and quarantine remaining.


Semester 2 – Confirming teaching on campus

第二学期 - 确定线下教学

UC is open and we’re looking forward to welcoming students back on campus when Semester 2 starts on Monday 13 July. All current restrictions on the library and independent study spaces will be removed tomorrow.


In Semester 2 face-to-face lectures, tutorials and labs will resume, and UC will continue to provide online learning for students who are unable to return to campus. Students overseas will now have had a study plan confirmed for continuing online (please speak to your course coordinator if you have questions) and those who have notified us that they are at higher risk for health reasons will now have had a discussion with the support team and will receive more information before Semester 2 commences.


General advice and guidelines – Level 1

普通的建议和指南 - 1级

With no restrictions at Alert Level 1 you can once again enjoy the things you like doing, but you are advised to follow some general advice to keep you and our community safe.


  1. Stay home if you’re sick, report flu-like symptoms

  2. 如果生病了就呆在家里,报告流感类似的症状

  3. Focus on your hygiene:

  4. 注意你的个人卫生

·Wash your hands

·Sneeze and cough into your elbow

·Don’t touch your face

· 洗手

· 咳嗽和打喷嚏时用手肘遮住

· 别碰你的脸

  1. Keep a track of where you’ve been by using QR codes/swiping your Canterbury Card on campus

  2. 在校园内使用二维码/刷校园卡,记录你曾经去过的地方

  3. Be kind to others and be kind to yourself.

  4. 善待他人,善待自己

UC Rec & Sport update

UC Rec & Sport的更新

UC Rec & Sport plan to return to a full service by Monday 15th June. Over the next few days we will rejig equipment layout, return equipment from storage, reschedule staff and retrain staff to new requirements. We hope to see you soon!

UC Rec & Sport计划在6月15日(星期一)前恢复全面服务。在接下来的几天里,我们将重新调整设备布局,将设备从仓库里拿出来,重新安排员工并重新培训他们以符合最新的要求。我们希望可以尽快见到你!

Financial support


If you are experiencing financial difficulties that will impact on your studies, you may be eligible for financial support. Students requesting financial support can contact the UCSA Advocacy & Welfare team to discuss their situation. The UCSA Advocacy & Welfare team will review your situation and provide advice on the application process. Please note that each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis and has criteria attached to them.

如果你正在经历经济困难,并影响到了你的学习,你可能有资格获得经济资助。想要申请资助的学生可以联系UCSA Advocacy & Welfare团队告知你的情况。该团队会审查你的情况,并就申请过程提出建议。请注意,每项申请都会根据特定标准逐案评估。

Exams are here – go well!

考试来了 - 好好准备吧!

UC has services available to support you during exams including the Pokapū Pūkenga Ako | Academic Skills Centre and Student Care. You can access more information about support services available at UC here>

UC考试期间会持续提供服务,包括Pokapū Pūkenga Ako | Academic Skills Centre and Student Care学术技能中心和学生护理。您可以再次访问更多有关UC的服务信息>

UC staff will continue to work with you to ensure you reach the best possible outcomes for your studies for the remainder of 2020 and beyond.
