:澳大利亚[来自SA-H]SA-H南澳政府公立中学开设ISEC 语言课程网上学习

aurelius · 85818次阅读 · 2020年6月3日 14:56

尊敬的各位iae合作伙伴,很荣幸与您分享SA-H南澳政府公立中学开设ISEC 语言课程网上学习

As you would be well aware, international arrivals into Australia are currently prohibited and at this point in time this situation is expected to continue.

This unfortunately means that prospective students aiming to attend a South Australian government school in July this year will not be able to commence their Intensive Secondary English Course (ISEC) onshore on Monday 20 July.



I am however pleased to advise that a few experienced ISEC schools have developed an ISEC program, ISEC Connect, to be delivered online beginning Monday 3 August 2020. This will mean that these students will not be disadvantaged, but supported in their goal to commence their studies with South Australian Government Schools as they have planned and are planning.

但我很高兴地通知您,一些有经验的ISEC学校已经开发出了ISEC项目,ISEC Connect将于2020年8月3日周一开始在网上提供。学生不会处在不利位置,而是根据他们的计划开始学习。

ISEC Connect has been designed to be delivered in an online learning environment. Teaching delivery, assessment activities and bilingual support will provide opportunities for students to successfully develop their written and spoken literacy skills in preparation for entry into their Year 10 or Year 11 mainstream studies in 2021.

ISEC Connect设计的目的是提供一个线上学习环境。教学、评估活动和双语的支持将使学生有机会发展书面和口头的语言技能,为2021年10年级或11年级的学习做准备。

Key Advantages of ISEC Connect

ISEC Connect的主要优势

· The student will receive individual attention from his/her teacher including bilingual support when required.

· 学生将得到老师的特别关注,尤其是需要双语支持时。

· The student will participate in group activities with fellow class members

· 学生可以与同班同学一起参加集体活动

· The student will be provided with the opportunity to meet online with international students that are currently onsite in Australia, and given the chance to learn about Australian school culture and lifestyle as well as study.

· 学生有机会和目前在澳大利亚的国际生见面,了解澳大利亚的学校文化、生活方式和学习情况。

· The student will not be disadvantaged in delaying their commencement in their program, providing they successfully complete the online ISEC course.

· 只要学生顺利完成ISEC线上课程,在延迟课程方面就不会处在不利地位。

Due to this additional support, tuition fees will remain the same and the student can use his/her to-be-issued CoE to commence ISEC Connect.

由于这一额外支持,学费将保持不变,学生可以使用得到的CoE开始ISEC Connect。

At the end of four weeks, if this mode of delivery does not suit the student or if teachers believe the student will not meet course requirements then they will be provided with the opportunity to defer his/her study to 2021. Alternatively they may elect to terminate their enrolment and receive a refund for the remaining tuition less the $500 administration charge.

To assist with our planning can you please discuss this online ISEC learning opportunity with any prospective students wishing to study in a South Australian government school for Yr10-11 mainstream in 2021?


Please can you also advise IES by Friday June 26 if they would like to accept this program and commence their study on 3 August 2020 then to continue into their mainstream program in 2021?


Please note that should borders into Australia remain closed in 2021 a mainstream pathway will continue to be provided.

请注意,如果2021年进入澳大利亚的边境仍然关闭,仍会提供mainstream pathway。

Please also note that once borders in Australia reopen all students undertaking ISEC Connect or their mainstream pathway will need to arrive in Adelaide as soon as possible. They will then continue with their respective course in person. Failure to be granted a visa will mean the student is unable to continue their course and a refund of their unused tuition will be provided.

请注意,一旦边境开放,所有学习ISEC Connect或他们的mainstream pathway的学生都要尽快到达阿德莱德。然后亲自开始各自的课程。未能获得签证的学生不能继续课程,会收到剩余的学费退款。