英国【重要】Swansea University 斯旺西大学将于9月如期开课

aurelius · 89643次阅读 · 2020年6月3日 09:44



“Swansea University will be open and ready to teach at the start of the new academic year.


We know it is critical that your education is all that you expected it to be and that it is provided in a safe and welcoming environment. Our seaside location, wide expansive beaches, parks and beautiful outdoor spaces invite you to lead a healthy, balanced student life. We are delighted you want to study with Swansea and we aim to try to meet your expectations, despite the challenges we all face due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


We intend to be ready to teach despite any travel restrictions, wherever our students are, and are shaping our delivery to ensure that all students - whether here in Swansea with us, elsewhere in the UK or the world and joining us a little later in the academic year when circumstances allow - will be fully part of our community.

尽管目前仍存在旅行限制,但无论学生身处何地,我们都已经准备好全面复课 — 无论是在斯旺西、在英国或世界各地,还是在情况转缓后稍晚一些入学的同学,通过调整授课模式,我们将确保所有学生跟上进度,成为我们大家庭中的一员!

• All courses will be delivered in a dual way to give both online and face to face teaching.

• 所有课程均以在线授课和面授的双重方式进行。

• Face to face teaching will be delivered in a blended format with no large lectures to begin with.

• 面授将以混合模式进行,学期开始阶段将不设大型讲座。

• We are preparing to deliver online enrolment, induction and welcome week in September and January.

• 我们正在为9月和1月的在线注册、入学介绍和欢迎周做准备。

• University accommodation will be available as normal with appropriate social distancing measures in place – please book here to reserve your room if you have accepted your offer and want to live in campus https://www.swansea.ac.uk/accommodation/

• 大学宿舍将如常接受住宿申请,并采取了保持适当社交距离的相关措施。已经接受了录取通知书、并希望住在校园里的同学,请访问以下网址进行预订:https://www.swansea.ac.uk/accommodation/

For international students, should the UK have quarantine controls in place at the time of your arrival, we will send you information about the measures the University will be taking to assist and support you.


We will provide more details in the coming weeks to keep you up to date and look forward to welcoming you to our Swansea community. In all that we do, the health, safety and support of our students and staff is our first priority.


Swansea University, China Office