I am writing to provide further updates in relation to our delivery modes for Semester 2, 2020. This information is relevant for international students who are either considering studying at the University of Adelaide this year, or who wish to continue with their studies. 为2020年第二学期的授课方式提供进一步的更新。这一信息与今年在阿德莱德大学学习或希望继续学习的国际学生有关。 While 2020 has been a challenging year for every country around the world, here in Australia the University of Adelaide has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and has continued to provide its world-class quality of education and research.
The health, safety, wellbeing, and academic success of our students has been, and continues to be our top priority. 学生的健康、安全、福祉和学术成就一直是并将继续是我们的首要任务。 Our home state of South Australia currently has only one isolated case of COVID-19 (a UK citizen granted special permission to enter Adelaide on compassionate grounds), which is a very positive indicator of how seriously the pandemic has been treated by our community. The University of Adelaide has had no cases on campus.
In line with advice from health authorities, we have begun to resume a limited number of face-to-face tutorials and practical classes on campus for the remainder of Semester 1, while continuing to observe appropriate social distancing and hygiene practices.
Semester 2 will start as scheduled on 27 July 2020. 第二学期将于2020年7月27日如期开学。 For our students who are studying offshore in Semester 2, the University will continue to offer high-quality remote learning. 对于第二学期在海外学习的学生,学校将继续提供高质量的远程学习。 For those who are based in Adelaide, we will be offering a blended delivery mode that combines face-to-face with remote learning in as many courses as possible, taking into consideration social distancing and hygiene. All lectures will continue to be delivered online for the remainder of the year. 对于那些住在阿德莱德的学生,我们将提供一种混合授课模式,将面对面授课与远程学习结合在一起,尽可能多地开设课程,同时考虑到社交距离和个人卫生。在今年剩余的时间里,所有课程将继续在网上授课。 We recognise there may be some students based in Adelaide who will prefer to continue studying in remote mode, even though face-to-face classes will be offered. We are currently working to provide that flexibility to our students, and we will announce further details in the coming weeks.