欢迎阅读来自皇家墨尔本理工大学的最新代理通讯 - 包含最新的消息和更新!
There has been a lot happening at RMIT and we have been working hard to update you as things change. If you haven’t already visited our new agent portal I encourage you to do so. We have recently updated the promotional material section of the portal and this now includes a number of new brochures and guides available for you to download including the new RMIT 2021 International Guide, a Guide for Parents and an Accommodation Guide. You will also now find recordings of our past agent virtual training webinars on the training resources tab.
IELTS Indicator and TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition RMIT English Worldwide (REW) will accept both IELTS Indicator and TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition for a validity period of 24 months, for admission to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programs at REW. In addition to this, REW has confirmed that they will now be accepting TOEFL iBT and PTE (A) for a validity period of 24 months, which is the same as IELTS (Academic). REW will be reviewing these tests and acceptable validity periods, once IELTS and TOEFL test centres begin to reopen. IELTS Indicator和托福iBT特别家庭版 REW接受IELTS Indicator和托福iBT特别家庭版,有效期为24个月,用于REW的英语学术课程(EAP)。 除此之外,REW还确认,他们将接受托福iBT和PTE(A),有效期为24个月,与雅思学术考试相同。 一旦雅思和托福考试中心重新开放,REW会审核这些考试和他们的有效期。
Next intake for the Master of Teaching Practice is Semester 1, 2021 教学实践硕士的下个入学时间为2021年第一学期 MC219P19 Master of Teaching Practice (Primary Education) MC220P19 Master of Teaching Practice (Secondary Education) The Master of Teaching Pracice programs detailed above will not have a Semester 2, 2020 intake and the next available intake for these programs will be Semester 1, 2021. For a full list of RMIT programs and courses please click here. MC219P19 教学实践硕士 (初级教育) MC220P19 教学实践硕士 (中级教育) 以上列出的项目不会有2020年的第二学期。下一个招生日期是2021年第一学期。
Flexible Study Options for Semester 2, 2020 2020年第二学期灵活的学习选择 In response to COVID-19, RMIT has been working to update our courses with information regarding online and flexible learning options. We have done our very best in moving hundreds of RMIT courses to become available online, while not compromising on the quality of education and student outcomes. RMIT welcomes students to engage with the RMIT digital community; where we can connect, teach, and learn together. We have 250 courses now online, ready for students to begin in July 2020. Students can continue their education online today, with RMIT. Click here to search courses now open for midyear intake. You can also view the Semester 2, 2020 subject guide to browse subjects being offered in Semester 2, 2020. Currently this page only includes courses offered by the College of Business and Law. 作为对新型冠状病毒肺炎的回应,RMIT一直在努力更新我们的线上和多选择的课程信息。我们已经成功将数百门课程转为线上教学,保证不影响教学质量和学生成绩。RMIT欢迎学生加入RMIT数字社区,在这里我们可以互相联结、教育和学习。 我们线上有250门课程,学生可在2020年7月开始学习。学生可以和RMIT一起线上学习。点击这里搜索为年中入学开设的课程。 您还可以查看2020年第二学期的课程指南,游览课程。目前仅包括工商和法律学院提供的课程。
Visit our new Frequenly Asked Question webpage Visit our FAQ page to find out what International students need to know about applying to and studying at RMIT University. Our new FAQ section has answers to all of your questions regarding flexible study, admissions processes, fees and English language requirements. With regular updates, you can keep up to date with all the information you need to know! 访问我们新的常见问题网站,有助于了解国际生如何申请和在RMIT学习。 我们新的页面有关于灵活学习、入学流程、费用和英语语言要求的所有回答。 通过定时更新,您可以了解您需要知道的所有信息!
New class times for EAP programs EAP项目的新课程时间 RMIT Training is now offering REW classes at adjusted times to best suit students, offshore, in different time zones. Please see the new class times available below. RMIT培训现在调整REW课程的时间,以适应不同时区的海外学生。请查看下面的新课时。
RMIT University will be closed 8 June 2020 RMIT University will be closed for a public holiday on Monday 8 June 2020 and will reopen Tuesday 9 June 2020. RMIT大学将于2020年6月8日关闭 RMIT将于2020年6月8日周一关闭,在2020年6月9日周二重新开放。
Under 18 welfare arrangements during travel restrictions 旅行限制期间18岁以下的监护安排 RMIT has introduced a third welfare option to ensure offshore U18 students can receive a COE whilst travel restrictions remain in place. Click here to learn more. Agents are encouraged to stay in close contact with any under 18 students and their parents to ensure that any changes to travel restrictions can be accurately shared. RMIT引入第三种监护,以确保海外18岁以下的学生可以在旅行限制令不变的情况下获得COE。单击此处了解更多信息。 代理可以与18岁以下学生联系,以确保他们知晓旅行限制令的最新消息。 If the student decides to travel to Australia when possible, it is essential that they have welfare arrangements in place and approved by RMIT. Onshore welfare arrangements should be submitted for approval with as much notice as possible.
An U18 student must not arrive in Australia without approved welfare arrangements. 如果学生决定在安全的情况下前往澳大利亚,他们会有RMIT批准的福利安排。海外福利安排会尽可能提前通知批准。未经批准不得抵达澳大利亚。 Students who turn 18 while studying offshore will not require welfare arrangements to continue their studies onshore in Australia. If you missed our Virtual Training session on Under 18 welfare arrangements, you can watch it here now. 已满18岁的海外学生没有监护安排。