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aurelius · 10810次阅读 · 2020年5月21日 14:25


接受替代资料来使得国际学生可以满足学术要求,详细信息,可以查看以下链接内容: 接受替代的在线英语测试,使得国际学生可以满足英语要求。目前可以接受的替代考试为:Password Skills/Linguaskill General/TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition ‘at home’ (not available in China)/IELTS Indicator (not available in China)。更多详细内容,请查看以下链接: 增开了部分课程的S2入学选项,具体课程信息如下: Bachelor of Pharmacy 2373 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) 2379 Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning (Honours)^ 2381 Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) 2382 Graduate Diploma in Business Research Methods^ 5650 Graduate Certificate in Mental Health 5040 Graduate Diploma on Epidemiology 5479