
aurelius · 100943次阅读 · 2020年5月20日 15:32

Alternatives to meeting entry requirements for Semester 2 2020 满足2020年第二学期入学要求的其他选择 UQ understands the difficulties international students applying to commence their studies in Semester 2, 2020 may be facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to this, UQ: UQ了解由于COVID-19冠状病毒大流行,申请2020年第二学期入学的国际学生可能面临的困难。为此,UQ:

will accept alternative evidence to meet admission entry requirements-会接受其他证据以符合入学资格 will accept alternative English language tests delivered online to meet English language requirements-会接受网上提供的替代英语测试以符合英语语言要求 will make additional programs available for students to commence in Semester 2 2020 that would usually only be available in Semester 1.- 将在2020年第二学期为学生提供额外的课程,这些课程通常只在第一学期提供。

Alternative admission options 可代替的学术选择 The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant disruption globally to feeder pathways for UQ programs, partner institutions, high schools, higher education providers and English language testing centres. UQ will temporarily accept alternative evidence as outlined in the Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet to enable students to meet admission entry requirements who: COVID-19大流行在全球范围内对大学预科项目、合作机构、高中、高等教育机构和英语语言测试中心的主要途径造成了严重影响。大学将暂时接受以下常见问题所列的替代证据,以使学生符合以下的入学要求: have had their exams cancelled (e.g IB) -他们的考试被取消了。(如IB) might not be able to obtain their final marks or provide official transcripts and evidence of completion of a qualification -可能无法取得最终成绩或提供正式成绩单和完成某一资格的证明 are not able to provide certified documents -不能提供认证(敲章)文件 have expired English language test results. -已过期的英语考试成绩。

Alternative English Language Proficiency (ELP)

Local lockdown and physical distancing guidelines around the world have made it difficult for many students to sit the ELP tests accepted by UQ for entry to our programs. To support these students impacted by this situation, UQ has assessed alternative English language tests that can be taken online (via remote proctoring) to determine those that will adhere to our high standard of requirements. 世界各地的地方封锁和物理距离指导方针使许多学生难以参加大学入学考试的ELP考试。为了支持这些受到这种情况影响的学生,UQ评估了可以在线(通过远程监考)进行的其他英语语言测试,以确定哪些测试将符合我们的高标准要求。 UQ will temporarily accept alternative English language tests outlined in the Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet for direct entry into Semester 2, 2020 and for entry into a UQ Package Offer (English language pathway program) for Semester 1, 2021. UQ将暂时接受《常见问题事实说明》中列出的其他英语语言测试,以直接进入2020年第二学期,并进入2021年第一学期的UQ录取(英语语言途径项目)。

More programs for Semester 2

Students interested in programs that usually only commence in Semester 1, now may have the opportunity to commence in 2020 rather than waiting until 2021. Programs that will now take new commencements in Semester 2 in 2020 include: Bachelor of Pharmacy 2373 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) 2379 Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning (Honours)^ 2381 Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) 2382 Graduate Diploma in Business Research Methods^ 5650 Graduate Certificate in Mental Health 5040 Graduate Diploma on Epidemiology 5479 ^These programs will be offered on-going in Semester 1 and Semester 2. ^这些课程将在第一学期和第二学期提供。