
aurelius · 101549次阅读 · 2020年5月9日 15:09

Due to difficulty in accessing IELTS, TOEFL or PTE tests, IES can now provide to enrolled IES Foundation Year students, if required, with a free online English language proficiency placement test.


Following commencement to IES Foundation Year, students enrolled via the online placement test will still be required to sit a formal English test. IES will give priority to IESFY students to sit a PTE Academic test, free of charge, at the IES Pearson test centre.


Please note, students sitting for the IES placement test must set up their own account; this cannot be done by an Agent representative.


UQ have formally approved a semester two entry for Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours), Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) for students entering UQ in semester two 2020.


For 2021 and beyond, Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) will continue to have both a semester one and semester two entry to UQ.


For 2021 and beyond, a semester two entry into Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) at UQ is yet to be confirmed. We will update our partners once we have received confirmation from UQ.


All arrangements during COVID-19 can be find on our website This web page also includes information about the next available intakes. Note that the August standard course will have a 6th of October 2020 commencement. An online commencement is available which will ensure students will join The University of Queensland in Semester 2, 2021. August Standard Now Open (Now running in October) 在COVID-19期间的所有安排可在我们的网站上找到,本网页还包括关于下一个可获得的摄入量的信息。请注意,8月的标准课程将于2020年10月6日开始。有一个在线毕业典礼,可以确保学生在2021年第二学期进入昆士兰大学。8月标准现在开放(现在10月运行)