英国【重要】University of Leeds 利兹大学 语言课押金截止日期 详情

aurelius · 12542次阅读 · 2020年5月9日 15:06

University of Leeds 利兹大学 语言课押金截止日期 详情可见官网 https://www.leeds.ac.uk/info/130567/language_centre/792/faqs_for_prospective_pre-sessional_students-covid-19

6周语言课 押金截止日期 2020年7月12日 10周语言课 押金截止日期 2020年6月14日

Q: I have received an unconditional offer for my pre-sessional course and a request to pay a deposit to receive a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). Do I have to pay it now?

A: Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19, our summer pre-sessional programmes are being taught online, so we are therefore not issuing CASs, but we are accepting deposit payments to secure your place on your chosen course. The deadline for paying your deposit is 14th June for the 10-week course and 12th July for 6-week courses.