
aurelius · 11749次阅读 · 2020年5月6日 16:35


As we continue to monitor the changes happening globally, we wanted to provide you with an update from CQUniversity. Whilst the travel restrictions that were advised in March are still in place, we have worked to support students as they transitioned from face to face to online teaching, and continue to offer options for students to commence study in Term 2 and prepare for the transition to study in Australia in the future. We have also moved all of our English courses online. Our next intake will be on 18 May 2020. 当我们关注着全球的变化时,我们仍然希望向您提供中央昆士兰大学的最近更新。虽然3月份的旅行限制仍然有效,但我们一直在努力帮助学生从面对面授课过渡到网课,并继续为T2开学的学生提供选择,为将来去澳大利亚学习做好准备。我们所有的英语课程也同样以网课形式呈现。下一次招生将在2020年5月18日。

Support for our students remains a priority, and although teaching is now online, all student support services including academic and wellbeing are available on-campus, online and phone. Our teams are continuing to call all students to check their wellbeing, and to let them know as new hardship support becomes available to international students in Australia. CQUniversity has provided many students with bursaries to assist with technology needs (eg internet access, laptop purchases) and we are working with students individually to determine appropriate support services that may be required. 我们的首要考虑便是如何帮助我们的学生,虽然当下采取网课,但所有的学生服务,学业帮助和福利都可以在校园、网络和电话上获得。我们的团队将继续给学生打电话,检查他们的将康状况,并在澳大利亚通过对国际生的补助时通知他们。中央昆士兰大学为许多学生提供了助学金,以帮助他们满足技术需求(如上网、购买笔记本电脑),我们正在和学生单独交流,以确定能提供合适的帮助。

In the meantime our long history of providing online education means that our students are able to access their studies, from anywhere in the world during this time. 同时,我们长久提供线上课程的经验将使我们的学生在此时可以在世界任何地方展开学习。

We were pleased to have many of you join us for a webinar recently, and will keep you advised of when the next webinars are scheduled. Since this webinar we have been able to announce some new initiatives as below, and are pleased to provide further information about these. 我们很高兴你们中的很多人最近参与了我们的网络研讨会,我们会随时通知你们下次网络研讨会的时间安排。自本次研讨会以来,我们已经宣布了一些新的提议,如下所示,同时我们也将继续提供更多的最新信息。

2020 SCHOLARSHIPS 2020奖学金 CQUniversity has recently announced our 2020 Scholarship program that sees all new students commencing from Term 2 2020 that meet eligibility criteria receive the International Student Scholarship (ISS) worth 25% of their tuition fees. Further information about our scholarship program can be found here, including the extension of the ISS Regional Scholarship to include Perth, and the continuation of the Early Bird incentives for Term 2 and Term 3. 中央昆士兰大学最近宣布了我们的2020年奖学金计划。从2020年第二学期开始,所有符合标准的新生将获得价值为其学费25% 的国际学生奖学金(ISS)。有关我们奖学金的更多信息,请参阅此处,包括珀斯以及第二第三学期的早鸟奖励。

We are pleased to offer your students the following option: ·A free online transition to University program that students can take whilst still at home and waiting for the travel restrictions to change or visas to be granted; ·A six-week program that provides students with important academic skill practice while becoming familiar with CQUniversity’s learning environment and expectations for academic writing and presentations ·The program also includes careers and employability workshops, and how to prepare for workplace culture and expectations in Australia, particularly valuable preparation for the internships students can undertake later in their academic program. ·Interaction with other students in Student Café sessions designed to introduce students to life in Australia, and to build connections to their fellow students.

This program will be available to all students who have accepted and processed their offer to commence study in Terms 2 or 3 2020. A series of rolling intakes will be available to ensure students can complete this program and then commence their degree studies as part of the standard term intake dates. 我们很高兴为您的学生提供一下选择: ·免费的在线大学课程,学生可以在家中等待限制令的改变或者签证的发放 ·为期六周的项目将为学生提供重要的学术实践技巧,熟悉中央昆士兰大学的学习氛围、学术期望、学术写作和演讲。 ·该计划还包括就业研讨会,以及如何为澳大利亚工作场所的文化和期望做好准备,尤其是为以后足以完成学术项目的实习准备。 ·在学生咖啡馆与其他学生进行互动,旨在向学术介绍澳大利亚的生活,并与学生建立联系。 本项目将提供给所有接受并打算在2020年第2或第3学期开始学习的学生。我们将提供一系列的滚动录取,以确保学生能完成本项目,然后开始他们的学位学习。

ONLINE STUDY 线上学习 Students may have queries about online study and what this may involve. CQUniversity provides Five Star Student Support, giving students the same access to support and all the materials required, including library databases, as well as scheduled lectures and online sessions with their lecturers and fellow classmates. All access to the CQUniversity online study portals and sites are secure, giving students confidence that their work and contributions in class are secure. The free Essentials for Success program may also assist students to experience online learning for the first time, so we would encourage you to discuss this option with your students. Our first class will commence on 5 May. 学生可能会有关于网课的许多疑问。中央昆士兰大学将提供五星的学生帮助,让学生获得同意的支持和需要的材料,包括图书馆数据库、讲师与同学的讲座和线上课程。所有访问中央昆士兰大学线上学习门户和网站的途径都是安全的,让学生相信他们在课堂上的工作和贡献是安全的。免费的成功要素计划也可以帮助学生首次体验网课,因此我们鼓励您与学生讨论这一选择。我们的第一节课将于5月5日开始。

With a long history of offering innovative and interactive online learning, students enrolled online with CQUniversity will find that they are able to progress and benefit from keeping their studies on track whilst awaiting the opportunity to travel to Australia. Many graduates of CQUniversity have completed their full degrees through online study with the University, and are part of the excellent reported outcomes for graduate fulltime employment and higher than Australian average graduate salary received by CQU graduates. 长期以来,中央昆士兰大学一直致力于提供创新性和互动性兼备的网课,因此,在等待前往澳大利亚学习机会的同时,在网课学习的学生将发现,他们也能够在学业上取得进步并从中受益。许多中央昆士兰大学的毕业生都通过网课完成了他们的全日制学位,是中央昆士兰大学大学优异的就业率和高于澳大利亚毕业生平均工资的一部分。

CQUniversity has invested heavily in its online delivery platforms, content and experts and continues to do so. Our significant investment in our online delivery technology is why CQUniversity is nationally recognised as one of the leading providers of distance education and why more than half of our student cohort does choose to study online. 中央昆士兰大学在线上支付平台、内容和专家方面持续投入了大量的资金。我们在线上教学的巨大投资是为什么中央昆士兰大学能在全球范围内被公认为是远程教育的领先者之一,这也是为什么超过一半的学生选择在线学习的原因。

Please do contact us to discuss online study and the support we can offer to students as they consider their options. 请与我们保持联系以讨论线上学习和我们能给学生提供的支持,这样他们可以考虑一下选择。
GENERAL INFORMATION 基本信息 CQUniversity continues to follow Australian Government advice in relation to COVID-19 matters. We will provide updates through this page here. Please check back for the latest information on how we are managing the situation. It may be useful to bookmark this page so that you can check for any updates to travel advice for Australia. 中央昆士兰大学将持续遵循澳大利亚政府关于新型冠状病毒肺炎的建议。我们将通过此页提供更新。请看看我们是如何处理该种情况的最新信息。