荣幸与您分享Deakin College迪肯学院困境关怀补助金设立公告
申请条件 申请需满足以下条件的一项或多项: · 无力支付房租/食宿 · 无力支付水电 · 无力购买食物 · 因COVID-19疫情造成的,无法通过个人医保获偿的遣返医疗费用
查询信息 联系方式 了解更多补助金信息,请查阅官网相关页面。
网址: https://www.deakincollege.edu.au/about/covid19/deakin-college-hardship-fund/ 紧急帮助 如需紧急帮助,请通过电话或电邮与迪肯学院学生服务团队联系。
电话:+61 3 92445197
· Burwood校区: dcoll-studentservices@deakin.edu.au
· Geelong校区: dcoll-sasgeelong@deakin.edu.au
维州国际学生紧急补助金 日前,维州政府宣布提供$4,500万澳元国际学生紧急补助金作为财政支持,帮助因疫情而遭受损失的留学生。目前,在维州学习的,因COVID-19疫情失业或工作大幅减少,面临经济困难的弱势国际学生将获得最高$1,100澳元的一次性补助。
了解更多详情,请查阅官网。 网址: https://www.studymelbourne.vic.gov.au/news-updates/international-student-emergency-relief-fund
英文原文: This week, we announced to our students that we are now offering a limited number of Hardship (COVID-19) Grants up to the value of up to $1,000. These are available to current and eligible Deakin College international students to provide some immediate financial assistance for loss of income due to Covid-19. The Victorian Government has also announced financial support with a $45 million International Student Emergency Relief Fund to help international students hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. A one-off payment of up to $1,100 will be made available to eligible international students currently studying in Victoria. Deakin College Hardship Grants Current international students can apply for a Hardship (COVID-19) Grant for one more of the following criteria: · Inability to pay rent/board · Inability to pay utility bills · Inability to buy food · Repatriation medical expenses incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic that can not be recovered through a personal health insurance policy. Read about the Hardship (Covid-19) Grants on our website Victorian Government International Student Emergency Relief Fund The International Student Emergency Relief Fund will provide a payment of up to A$1,100 for vulnerable international students who have lost their job or had a significant reduction to their employment and are facing financial hardship as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). For more information, visit the Study Melbourne website. Hardship (COVID-19) Grants and International Student Emergency Relief Fund Grants are only available to international students currently studying in Australia. We know many of you keep in touch with your students, so we appreciate you sharing these details with them.