
aurelius · 11599次阅读 · 2020年5月6日 16:34


DEC在线课程将于今日开放注册,请学生进入Zoom参加注册日 We are excited to welcome you to our DEC online course commencing Monday 4 May 2020. Please join us for orientation which is conducted on Zoom, details below: From 11:00am (Sydney time), Monday 4 May, the CET Welcome Orientation can be attended via https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/99329745304. The orientation presentation will start at 11:15am Sydney time. If you join directly via Zoom software, the meeting ID is 993 2974 5304. You may need to download Zoom at https://zoom.us/join. Importantly, if you haven't already gained access to The University of Sydney’s Learning Management System (LMS) called Canvas, please do so immediately. Instructions were sent to you by email.

You MUST have a Unikey (Username) and Password to access Canvas. Canvas is where you will do your online learning with your class. Please follow this link for instructions to Canvas.