
aurelius · 11352次阅读 · 2020年4月29日 14:01

Let me start by re-assuring you that your students will continue to experience a high quality education with the same academics while studying online with us. Students will also continue to receive comprehensive support and help from our dedicated student support team while they study remotely. Macquarie is already renowned for its online delivery with courses like our Global MBA, ranked #1 in Australia and #6 in the world (CEO Magazine) and our Excel Skills for Business Course ranked top #10 most popular course on Coursera.  首先,请允许我再次向您保证,您的学生在与我们一起在线学习的同时,将继续与同样的学者一起享受高质量的教育。学生在远程学习期间,还将继续得到我们专业的学生支持团队的全面支持和帮助。 What does ‘online’ study actually mean? In truth, the term ‘online’ covers a wide range of delivery from fully online such as the Coursera units Macquarie offers, through to our current blended courses where lectures are recorded or delivered live via Zoom, and tutorials are conducted in your time zone, via Zoom or a similar platform, supplemented with live chats with lecturers, tutors, and academic support staff. Our online students in S1 have mostly undertaken a full-time load and feedback has been very good, with students finding that the blended mode Macquarie is offering is working well for them. “网上”学习到底是什么意思?事实上,“网络”一词涵盖了广泛的方式,在你的时区和教程进行,通过放大或类似的平台,补充了生活与教师交谈,导师,学术支持人员。我们S1的在线学生大多是全日制的,反馈也很好,学生们发现MQ提供的混合模式对他们很有效。

Session 2, 2020 (July Intake) We will offer our most popular Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees online. While a full-time load is available and was the most popular choice in Session 1, students may instead choose to study one or two units if they are unsure about the online/blended delivery model. A confirmed list of available degrees will be provided soon, noting that some degrees will not be available online due to clinical or laboratory requirements. 我们将在网上提供最受欢迎的本科和研究生学位。虽然全日制授课是S1中最受欢迎的选择,但如果学生对在线/混合式授课模式不确定,他们可能会选择学习一两个单元。确认的学位名单将很快提供,注意到由于临床或实验室的要求,一些学位将不会在网上提供。

All Foundation and Diploma 2020 Intakes All Macquarie University International College (MUIC) Foundation and Diploma courses will continue to be available online through live-streamed classe in your time zone, for the remainder of 2020. 所有麦考瑞大学国际学院(MUIC)的基础和文凭课程将在2020年剩下的时间里通过在线直播课程在你所在的时区继续提供。

All English Language Program 2020 Intakes All English Programs delivered by our English Language Centre will continue to be available online through live-streamed classes in your time zone for the remainder of 2020. 在2020年剩下的时间里,我们英语语言中心提供的所有英语课程都将在你们的时区通过在线直播课程提供。

Key admissions updates Acceptance of other English Proficiency Tests Existing IELTS and TOEFL tests will now be recognised for period three years. In addition, we will also accept the IELTS Indicator and TOEFL Special Home Edition English tests.

Use of predicted grades Macquarie will accept the IB and Cambridge A Level predicted grades for Session 2, 2020 and all MUIC 2020 terms. Given the significant disruption to major national and international entry tests, other options may also be considered. MQ的S22020年和所有MUIC 2020学期的入学将接受IB和A Level预测成绩。考虑到重大的国家和国际入学考试的中断,其他的选择也可能被考虑。

We continue to provide all existing scholarship programs We will continue to provide our full range of existing scholarships when students commence online. Scholarships will be allocated on a pro-rata basis, depending on how many units are being studied. As you are aware, our scholarship program is one of Australia's most generous, and we are committed to ensuring this remains in place for your students.

Reduction of existing commencement fee We have now reduced the existing commencement fee by 50% for all Undergraduate and Postgraduate students commencing offshore in July, 2020. The commencement fee is now equivalent to two units of study. If a student chooses to study more than two units, they are required to pay the remaining balance. Please note: This only applies for Session 2, 2020, with students commencing in all other intakes (including MUIC and ELICOS) required to pay the normal commencement fee for that course. 我们已将所有本科生和研究生的入学费用从2020年7月起降低50%。入学费用现在相当于两个学习单元。如果学生选择学习两个以上的单元,他们需要支付剩余的余额。


A full refund is available for offshore students up to census date A full refund of tuition fees will be provided if a student commences off-shore and then withdraws prior to the census date for all Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma and Foundation courses offered in 2020. This commitment is designed to reassure any of your students who may be hesitant about commencing their studies online. Please note: Full refunds will only be provided to offshore students up to the point of commencement for English Language Programs delivered by the ELC. 如果学生在海外开始学习,并在2020年所有本科生、研究生、文凭和基础课程的普查日期之前退学,学费将全额退还。这个承诺是为了让你的学生放心,他们可能会犹豫要不要开始他们的网上学习。 请注意:全额退款将只提供给海外学生,直到开始由ELC提供的英语语言课程前。