
aurelius · 11449次阅读 · 2020年4月25日 14:37

Thank you for your continued support. At this time it is more important than ever that we work with you, our key partners, to ensure students are able to fulfil their goals of successful tertiary study.


As mentioned in our previous newsletter we are offering all courses by remote delivery. This will give students the opportunity to complete all or some of their pathway course before they are able to come to Australia when the borders open again. We understand that some students may be unsure about this option as it is new to them. However, we believe this is the best option for the students as it allows them to continue their studies and graduate sooner. Our teachers will be doing everything possible to ensure students adapt to this new delivery mode and progress in their studies.


While we are unable to talk to your team face to face and meet students in your cities our promotions will continue. We will be supporting you with digital campaigns that encourage students to connect with you. In addition, we will be offering online counselling for potential students on appointment with my staff. We will be seeking your support in booking counselling sessions.


ELICOS Scholarship UOW College Australia is pleased to offer a further 20% discount to all new and continuing ELICOS students, for intakes 3, 4 and 5 in 2020. This discount is to be applied in addition to all other discounts, scholarships or bursaries already offered by UOW College Australia. Students who have not yet paid will receive the discount on enrolment. Current students will be awarded this discount as a credit to their next stage of study. For more information, please contact us: Phone: +61 2 4252 8804 Email: uow-college-enrolment@uow.edu.au



电话:+61 2 4252 8804


Refund Policy I am pleased to advise that we have made a temporary amendment to the refund policy to cater for students who are unsure if remote delivery suits them. Up until census date we will be providing a 90% refund for students who choose to withdraw. This includes: - All Academic program courses delivered in Autumn and Spring Sessions 2020, - All 2020 ELICOS intakes from intake 3 onwards, and - All Vocational programs commencing from now until the end of 2020, Provided these programs continue to be delivered remotely, all applications for the refund of tuition fees prior to the census date for all academic and vocational program students, and prior to the end of week 2 in their first intake of study for ELICOS program students, will be eligible for a 90% refund if approved.







COVID-19 Financial assistance grant scheme UOW and UOW College are committed to providing access to emergency funding to students in need as a result of COVID-19. Grants are available for impacted domestic and international students enrolled at any of UOW's Australian based campuses. Students seeking financial assistance can find out more and apply online here.



Admissions process The process for applying, accepting and enrolling remain the same. Everything is now simplified as students do not have to arrange travel, insurance, airport pick-up and accommodation until it is cleared to travel to Australia. We will be resuming face to face learning as soon as it is safe and practical to do so.

录取程序 申请、接受和注册的过程保持不变。由于在澳大利亚开放前学生不需要安排旅行、保险、机场接送和住宿,所有事情都简单化了。一旦安全可行,我们将恢复面对面的学习。 I am keen for us to continue to work together and have committed the Recruitment Team to support your recruitment activities through online events and webinars whenever possible. If you need to discuss any of this with me directly, please feel free to reach out. I am happy to Zoom meet with you as needed also. Thank you for all that you are doing for the students and for continuing to support UOW College Australia. 我希望我们将继续合作,我们的招聘团队会通过线上活动及网络研讨会持续支持您的招聘活动。如果您需要和我直接地讨论以上这些,请随时联系。我很高兴在Zoom与您见面。感谢您为学生做的这些,请持续支持澳大利亚伍伦贡大学学院。