nd remains fully committed to providing a superior student experience within a remote learning environment with small class sizes and unparalleled access to academic and support staff. Watch our webinar to see how Bond is taking a different approach to remote learning. 邦德大学始终致力于为学生提供优质的远程学习体验,为学生提供小班授课,并为学生提供无与伦比的教学和支持服务。观看我们的网络研讨会,看看邦德如何采取不同的远程学习方法。
Remote Learning Webinar Link Access Password: r0@95#+d
Feel free to share the webinar link with students who are considering commencing their studies at Bond in May. The webinar covers the following: 欢迎与正在考虑5月份开始在邦德大学学习的学生分享网络研讨会的链接。本次网络研讨会内容如下: · Interactive learning experience. Bond has an interactive learning platform which allows students to join live lectures and tutorials, interact and take part in discussions, and break into smaller groups. · Access to 1:1 appointments. Getting to know our students and building a rapport will not change with remote learning. Our students will continue to have unparalleled access to their lecturers and Bond's support services such as the academic skills centre and counselling services. · Students in other time zones. Bond has students from all over the world and academics are reviewing timetables according to specific international cohorts where possible. All classes will be recorded if students cannot attend the live lecture and students will be able to book 1:1 consultations with their lecturers to discuss any questions they may have. · Access to learning resources. Students will have online access to their subject reading and resource list via e-books and e-journals. The Library will also be providing online resources and virtual support to students wherever they are in the world. · Social interaction outside class. The Bond University Student Association (BUSA) will hold a variety of virtual social events and the Bond Sports Centre will be offering virtual fitness sessions.
Bond Semester 2 Key Dates Please note the following key dates for students commencing with us in May. 邦德第二学期的关键日期 请注意以下学生的主要日期开始与我们在5月
8 May: Students can enrol in their subjects学生可以报名参加他们的课程 20 May: Orientation commences 注册日开始 25 May: Classes commence 课程开始
20% Tuition Relief for Semester 2 The University recognises that many of our students will be financially impacted by the economic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, financial aid will be provided to students in the form of a one-off reduction in tuition fees for Semester 2. The amount of the reduction will be set at 20% of tuition on enrolled subjects in degrees, diplomas and diploma preparation programs in the University and the College. 大学认识到,我们的许多学生将会受到COVID-19大流行所造成的经济危机的影响。因此,第二学期的学费将以一次性减免的形式给予学生资助。减除的金额将按本校学位课程、文凭课程及文凭预备课程学费的20%计算。