
aurelius · 12429次阅读 · 2020年4月24日 16:58

Firstly let me say that everyone here at RMIT hopes you are staying safe and adjusting to this new environment we find ourselves living and working in. 在RMIT的每一个人都希望你们能保持安全,适应我们生活和工作的新环境。
To acknowledge and reward the efforts of our agent network we would like to feature you in one of our upcoming newsletters to highlight the names and faces of our partners and all the incredible work you do. If you are featured you will also receive a prize! Click on this link to enter.

In this edition you'll find important admissions updates, information about our upcoming virtual training sessions and how to book the new REW online placement test. We are also very excited to announce that our new agent portal is now live! A one stop shop for updates, information and agent training. Please read on for more information about this exciting update. 在这个版本中,你会发现重要的录取更新,关于我们即将到来的虚拟培训课程的信息,以及如何预订新的REW在线分班考试。我们也非常兴奋地宣布,我们的新代理门户一站式商店,提供最新资讯

Admissions Updates Higher Education (HE) Semester 1, 2020 Census Date 30 April 2020 S1 2020 Higer Education 普查日为4月30号,很快临近 A reminder that Semester 1, 2020 census date for Higher Education (HE) programs on Thursday 30 April 2020 is fast approaching.

Students who wish to apply for a Leave of Absence (LOA), cancel their enrolment or discontinue their program must do so by 5pm AEST on Thursday 30 April 2020. Students are liable for all enrolments after this time. 想要申请Leave of Absence,取消enrol,退学的学生需要在澳洲时间4月30号下午5点之前操作完成

Master of Professional Accounting (CPA Australia Extension) is closed for 2021 MC260 Master of Professional Accounting (CPA Australia Extension) is now closed for Semester 1 and 2 2021. MC260 Master of Professional Accounting (CPA Australia Extension)课程2021年S1,S2均已满位 All outstanding offers for this program will not be honoured. 所有没有接受的该课程offer均已失效

Current admissions processing times

To assist you and your counsellors provide your students with clear expectations on assessment outcomes, please find current admissions turnaround times here. 为了帮助你和你的辅导员为你的学生提供明确的评估结果的期望,请在这里找到当前的招生周转时间。

You can now view the full list of admissions turnaround times at any time on the Agent Portal. 在agent portal可以找到所有admission的处理时间

General Updates The new RMIT Agent Portal is now live! 学校开设了新的Agent信息门户网站

We collated your feedback, frequently asked questions and most wanted requests and are happy to provide you with a new RMIT Agent Portal! 我们整理了您的反馈、常见问题和最想要的请求,并很高兴为您提供一个新的RMIT代理门户! Better than ever before, this new online resource is your one stop shop for all information, updates, forms, links and training materials. The Agent Portal is now live and ready to assist you with everything you need, whenever you may need it. 比以往任何时候都更好,这个新的在线资源是你的一站式商店的所有信息,更新,表格,链接和培训材料。代理门户现在处于活动状态,随时可以为您提供所需的一切帮助。 We acknowledge all of the incredible work you do and thank you for your tireless efforts. We hope the new Agent Portal will be a useful tool in making your jobs a little easier. 我们感谢你们所做的所有不可思议的工作,感谢你们的不懈努力。我们希望新的代理门户将是使您的工作更轻松的有用工具。

Updated exam and assessment information for students

During this changing learning environment, important updates to student exams and assessments have been made available here. 在这个不断变化的学习环境中,学生考试和评估的重要更新已经在这里发布。 https://www.rmit.edu.au/news/alerts/coronavirus/faqs#exams We thank you, our trusted partners for your continued support at this time.

Book a REW Placement Test now

We are pleased to announce we now have an updated method to administer the REW Placement Test for both onshore & offshore candidates. This is now available with the online placement tests available for Monday 20 April.

从4月20号开始,学校开设了REW 在线测试,onshore offshore学生都可以参加

All placement test booking requests must be submitted by email directly to RMIT English Worldwide (REW). REW在线考试结果必须直接发给REW

A $60 AUD testing fee does apply, however this will be refunded to the candidate when they enrol at RMIT. REW在线考试费为60澳币,学生如果最终enrol rmit费用会退回

At present, the placement test will run each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2:00pm (AEST), with the exception of selected Fridays and the first day of each intake, when placement tests are reserved for commencing students. Availability will be reviewed regularly in order to cater for demand.
