
aurelius · 101246次阅读 · 2020年4月24日 16:57

We hope you and your families are safe and well. As you know, the health and safety of our staff and students are the number one priority for the University. Today’s update includes a new offering for online study and information on Tasmanian Government financial support for international students studying at the University of Tasmania. 我们希望您和您的家人都安全健康。正如您所知,师生的健康与安全是学校最关心的事情。今天的最新消息会涉及到网课和塔斯马尼亚政府对学生提供的经济支持。 Ongoing updates on the University’s response to the COVID-19 situation can be found on the COVID-19: Updates for students page. 学校如何应对新型冠状病毒肺炎的最新消息都可以在学生页面找到。

Bachelor of Business (Accelerated) Study Period 2 Entry Online The Bachelor of Business (Accelerated) is now being offered online in Accelerated Study Period 2, commencing on 25 May 2020. 商科学士(加速)第二学期线上入学 商科学士(加速)现在提供了第二学期的网课,于2020年5月25日开始。 The Bachelor of Business (Accelerated) allows students to complete their full Bachelor of Business (B3A) in just two years with three majors on offer: Accounting, Management and Marketing. 本课程允许学生在两年内完成商科学士学位(B3A),并提供三个专业:会计、管理与市场营销。 Students have the option of beginning their studies online and transferring to the Launceston city campus at Henty House when suitable to do so. 学生可以选择线上学习,并在合适的时候前往亨迪之家的劳伦斯顿校区。 For further information on the Bachelor of Business (Accelerated) please see here. 需要更多有关商科学士学位的信息请看这里。 Tasmanian Government Support for Temporary Visa Holders Today the Tasmania Government has announced a AUD$3 million package to support temporary visa holders currently in Tasmania and directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 塔斯马尼亚政府将对临时签证持有者提供支持 今天塔斯马尼亚政府宣布了一个新消息,即将要提供300万澳元帮助目前在塔斯马尼亚州并受到新型冠状病毒直接影响的临时签证持有者。 This package includes financial support for students studying at the University of Tasmania on Student visas (Subclass 500), amongst others, who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. 其中包括持有学生签证(第500类)的塔斯马尼亚大学学生,由于新型冠状病毒正遭受着经济困难。 Full information on the package and how students can access support can be found here. 更多完整信息以及学生如何获得帮助请访问此处。 Ongoing Support Any current students with questions about financial support, IT support, learning support, health and wellbeing or accommodation can visit the Support for our students during COVID-19 webpage. Here they can request support via a student support form, or they can email COVIDsupport@utas.edu.au or phone the team on 1300 826 663 or +61 3 6226 2600. 持续的支持 任何学生如果对经济、IT、学习、健康、福利和住宿方面提供的帮助有问题,可以访问有关我校如何在新型冠状病毒期间如何帮助学生的网页。在这里,他们可以通过学生支持表、邮件COVIDsupport@utas.edu.au、致电团队1300 826 663 or +61 3 6226 2600请求帮助。