澳大利亚Trinity College墨尔本大学预科学院

aurelius · 11319次阅读 · 2020年4月17日 16:09

Important Information All Trinity College lectures and tutorials are currently being conducted online and students have the ability to contact Trinity IT support if they are having any difficulties accessing their academic program. Students can also contact their lecturers, tutors and mentors online if they need assistance. 所有Trinity College的讲座和辅导课目前都在网上进行,如果学生在访问他们的学术课程时遇到任何困难,都可以联系Trinity College的IT支持部门。如果学生需要帮助,他们也可以在网上联系他们的讲师、导师和导师。 · Trinity College is in regular contact with all major student accommodation providers and is helping all providers to implement suitable policies around social distancing, cleaning & sanitation and isolation procedures where necessary. Trinity College与所有主要的学生住宿供应商保持定期联系,并在必要时帮助所有供应商实施适当的社会距离、清洁卫生和隔离程序。 · Trinity’s student wellbeing team is still available online, or in person as requested, to support students if and when required. Student counsellors and nurses are also available to consult with students as required. They will be able to make contact with your son or daughter and connect them with the appropriate person to provide the help and support that they require. Trinity College的学生福利团队仍可在线或按要求亲自为学生提供帮助。学生辅导员和护士也可以根据需要向学生咨询。他们将能够与您的儿子或女儿取得联系,并将他们与适当的人联系,以提供所需的帮助和支持。 · Trinity’s Academic Administration team are available to help either yourself or your son/daughter with any queries they have about the academic program. Trinity College的学术管理团队可以帮助您或您的儿子/女儿解答关于学术项目的任何疑问。 · The examinations which had been scheduled for May (August Main and October Fast Track) and June (February Main) have been cancelled and will be replaced by a series of online assessments. Trinity will work with the University of Melbourne to produce a fair and equitable way to use the scores from these assessment alongside scores form previous assessments in calculating final scores for each academic subject. Students who complete the foundation studies course and obtain the necessary scores will be able to enter the University of Melbourne. 原定于5月(8月和10月的预科课程)和6月(2月的预科)的考试将被取消,取而代之的是一系列的在线考试。Trinity College将与墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)合作,以一种公平、公正的方式,将这些评估的分数与之前的评估分数一起,用于计算每门学科的最终分数。完成基础课程并取得必要分数的学生可以进入墨尔本大学。