
aurelius · 11969次阅读 · 2020年4月16日 15:40

We are writing to you with the latest updates from the University of Sydney Centre for English Teaching (CET). 悉尼大学英语教学中心(CET)的最新消息 In response to the current global situation, CET is offering all our DEC courses online to enable our students to start their degree at the University of Sydney as planned. 为了应对当前的全球形势,CET将提供我们所有的DEC在线课程,使我们的学生能够按计划在悉尼大学开始他们的学位学习。 Our DEC courses provide students with a high quality and engaging learning experience that offers them all the support they need to develop their English language and academic skills, and fully prepare for their studies at University. 我们的DEC课程为学生提供了高质量和有趣的学习体验,为他们提供了发展英语语言和学术技能所需的所有支持,并为他们在大学的学习做了充分的准备。

CET has received a lot of really positive feedback from our students currently studying our online DEC courses CET收到了很多学生的积极反馈,他们正在学习我们的在线DEC课程 以下是部分学生的一些反馈,请参考: · I have a good teacher and my classmates are interesting. · I like teachers asking questions, it helps me think and talk in English. · I think the clear timetable is really good. I can know what we will do today. · The design of our homework can give me practice of my English after the class. · Essay skills are excellent, and I have improve my reading and listening skills a lot by reading text.

This is just a few of the many positive comments our students are experiencing with DEC online. 这只是我们的学生在DEC在线上所体验到的众多正面评论中的一小部分。

Our DEC courses have been designed by our team of curriculum specialists and online learning designers, and provide students with a high quality, engaging learning experience while they develop their English and academic skills for University. Throughout the courses, students participate in live zoom sessions with their teachers, join live group work sessions with peers, and complete interactive activities in English online, and course outcomes are measured through secure online assessments. Students can also access CET’s full range of additional support activities, bonus lessons, well-being workshops and social activities that connect them with their peers, all online! 我们的DEC课程由我们的课程专家团队和在线学习设计师设计,为学生提供高质量、高投入的学习体验,同时提高他们的英语和学术技能。在整个课程过程中,学生与老师一起参与实时缩放会话,与同学一起参加实时小组工作会话,并在网上用英语完成互动活动,课程结果通过安全的在线评估进行测量。学生们还可以参加CET的所有额外的支持活动,额外的课程,幸福研讨会和社交活动,这些活动都可以在网上进行。

ENROLlNG YOUR CLIENT – WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW The two points below are extremely important when you complete enrolment. The information you provide is used to obtain a Unikey to access the online Learning Management System (LMS) platform called Canvas. 以下两点在你完成注册时非常重要。您提供的信息用于获取一个Unikey来访问称为Canvas的在线学习管理系统(LMS)平台。 We MUST have accurate details when completing the application. 我们必须在填写申请表时提供准确的细节。

GETTING ONLINE Once you have completed the enrolment process and provided the information required, we will contact the student directly with instructions to get online. 一旦您完成了报名流程并提供了所需的信息,我们将直接与学生联系,并告知您如何上网。 The student will be contacted to confirm their contact details via their personal email address provided in the application. It is a requirement that the student completes the confirm details form themselves. After this has been completed, they will be given the following: 我们将通过申请人在申请表中提供的个人电子邮件地址联系该学生以确认其联系方式。学生必须自己填写确认信息表。这项工作完成后,将向他们提供下列资料: · Unikey · University of Sydney email Students will then be required to set a Password via their phone number. 学生们将被要求通过他们的电话号码设置密码。

ORIENTATION All students are required to join an online Orientation session. The Orientation will provide students with important information about studying at CET online and will feature an official welcome by the CET Director Katherine Olston. A link will be sent once they have confirmed their enrolment. You are also welcome to join the session to see how it works. 所有的学生都被要求参加一个在线培训课程。该培训将为学生提供有关在CET在线学习的重要信息,并将由CET主任凯瑟琳·奥尔斯顿(Katherine Olston)为学生举行正式欢迎仪式。 一旦他们确认他们的注册,将发送一个链接。我们也欢迎您参加这个会议,看看它是如何工作的。

WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU Everything we do here at CET is about helping our students to reach their goals and prepare them for their degree programs. Every element of our face-2-face course that students would expect is now in our online delivery mode with the added benefit of gaining access anywhere in the world. Students can look forward to the following: 我们在CET所做的一切都是为了帮助我们的学生实现他们的目标,为他们的学位课程做准备。我们面对面课程的每一个元素,学生们所期望的,现在都是我们的在线授课模式,附加的好处是可以在世界任何地方学习。学生可以期待以下几点:

Live online training includes class discussion, group work and breakout rooms. Learning support classes. Access our well-being counsellors. Join online activities to connect them to their peers socially. Additional workshops to support academic skills.