
aurelius · 6920次阅读 · 2020年4月7日 14:34

I hope this email finds you well, particularly in dealing with the significant challenges that many of us are facing. Here at Flinders we continue to have a strong focus on supporting our students, staff and their families. 在弗林德斯,我们继续大力支持我们的学生、员工和他们的家人。

We’re very aware of the significant challenges that many of our students are grappling with as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic – including those who may be isolated from their families and missing that physical, financial and emotional support. Many students may also have lost the part time work they rely on to make ends meet. And throughout it all, they are doing everything possible to stay on course with their learning and adjust to the world of fully online education. 我们非常清楚,由于COVID-19的爆发,我们的许多学生都面临着巨大的挑战,包括那些可能与家人分离、失去物质、经济和情感支持的学生。许多学生可能也失去了他们赖以维持生计的兼职工作。在整个过程中,他们尽一切可能坚持学习,适应完全在线教育的世界。

We know it’s not easy. To support our students at this time we have developed a $12.5 million Flinders Student Support Package. 我们知道这并不容易。为了在这个时候支持我们的学生,我们决定发布一个价值1250万澳币的弗林德斯学生支持计划。

It offers a range of support for students, including cash payments, a new scholarship program and the waiver of some fees. The package includes: 它为学生提供了一系列的支持,包括现金支付,一个新的奖学金项目和一些费用的减免。这个包括:

· $1 million in emergency support payments for students, of up to $500, made available to students through FUSA;- 通过FUSA为学生提供100万元紧急支援款项,最高可达500元; · A new Matthew Flinders Scholarship program, with scholarships valued at up to $2,000, to support the continuation of their studies; and-一个新的Matthew Flinders Scholarship奖学金项目,奖学金价值高达2000,以支持他们继续学业; · The waiver of the Student Services and Amenities Fee for all students.- 豁免所有学生的学生服务及设施费。

Our aim is to reduce their financial stress, so that they can continue to focus on their studies. 我们的目标是减轻他们的经济压力,使他们能够继续专注于学习。

If you are not already aware, the University has recently advised students that all classes will be held online and as of 30th March they are no longer required to come to campus. Any face-to-face classes which cannot be run online will be deferred until later in the year when we have moved past this current crisis. If necessary, topic grades will be held over and students will be allowed to progress as if they have passed the topic. This does not apply to some students who may be undertaking placement activities, nor for research students (eg Honours and PhD students) who need to undertake their studies in a campus laboratory or similar. Arrangements for these students will be advised separately. 从3月30日起,所有的课程都将在网上举行,他们不再被要求来校园。任何不能在网上进行的面授课程都将推迟到今年晚些时候,那时我们已经度过了当前的危机。如果有必要,主题成绩将被保留,学生将被允许继续,如果他们通过了主课程。这并不适用于一些可能正在从事就业活动的学生,也不适用于需要在校园实验室或类似场所进行研究的研究生(如荣誉博士和博士生)。这些学生的安排将另行通知。

Importantly to note, the campus will remain open and service provisions will be in place for any students who do have an essential need to attend campus. 重要的是,校园将保持开放,并为任何有必要进入校园的学生提供服务。

There are also additional supports for students available through our new Online Hub and Flinders Support Network to assist in every area of potential need, from study, to mental wellbeing and accommodation. 此外,我们还通过新的Online Hub和Flinders Support Network为学生提供额外的支持,帮助他们满足从学习、心理健康到住宿等各个方面的潜在需求。

As of Monday 6th April the Flinders International team will begin working from home. I can assure you that during this time our staff are well equipped to to deliver a high level of support and service to students and you as a valued partner. 从4月6日星期一开始,弗林德斯国际团队将开始在家里工作。我可以向您保证,在此期间,我们的工作人员将为您和您的学生提供高水平的支持和服务。