
aurelius · 7965次阅读 · 2020年4月7日 14:25

We have received a student enrolment from your office for UWA CELT’s Bridging Course, due to start on 20 April 2020. I am writing today to inform you of the opportunity for students to undertake the program completely online for this intake. 关于CELT课程将于2020年4月20日开始。我今天写这封信是想告诉你,学生们有机会完全在网上进行这个课程。 The 10 week Bridging Course is being set up online in response to COVID-19, and will allow students to study remotely. The program will be mostly the same as the face-to-face Bridging Course, with some tasks and assessments removed due to the nature of the online delivery. The aim of this program is to deliver the same outcomes as the face-to-face Bridging Course. The course will be very interactive, and students will have the opportunity to achieve the same language ability as they would if studying in Perth at UWA CELT. 根据COVID-19的要求,为期10周的桥接课程将在网上开设,并允许学生远程学习。该课程将与面对面沟通课程大致相同,由于在线授课的性质,一些任务和评估将被取消。这个课程的目的是提供与面对面沟通课程相同的结果。该课程将是非常互动的,学生将有机会获得相同的语言能力,如同他们在珀斯在西澳大利亚大学CELT。

Course timing

The online Bridging Course will run in live time. So, the course will run from 8.30am to 2pm AWST each day, with some student consultations taking place between 2pm – 4pm. At 8.30am every morning, students will use Zoom to meet with their class teacher to start the day. This allows students to ‘check-in’ and for teachers to explain the daily tasks and to answer any questions. Core classes will run from 8.30am to 12.30pm each day and will be set in hourly blocks. Students will break for lunch from 12.30pm to 1pm. Research will run from 1pm until 4pm at the latest, with the main material delivery being on Mondays and Thursdays. For your reference, you will find attached a sample timetable of the first week of the program to show how the week will be structured.



The assessments in the online Bridging Course will be similar to those offered in the face-to-face delivery, however will be completed online as much as possible. The program will make use of the Blackboard and Turnitin platforms to aid with Writing assessments. Reading and Listening tests will be consistent with UWA practice to ensure security. Speaking will be assessed via participation in interviews, uploaded and pre-recorded presentations, and class participation in daily Zoom meetings. Research will remain online, however the presentations will be pre-recorded. The final presentation will be a one-on-one discussion with the teacher.


Technology Requirements

In terms of IT requirements, all course and other materials will be made available to students via Blackboard. This will include the weekly program and a daily breakdown. Communication with teachers will mainly be via Zoom (with Microsoft Teams/Wechat/Whatsapp as a backup).

在信息技术要求方面,所有课程和其他材料将通过黑板提供给学生。这包括每周计划和每日细目。与老师的沟通主要通过Zoom(微软团队/微信/Whatsapp作为备份)。 Students studying the course in China will require a VPN to access the materials on Blackboard and the technologies linked to the course materials. UWA IT will provide each student based in China with a VPN (including support).


In week three of the course, students will need to download a PDF reader to learn how to annotate online. In week 10, students will be taught how to use EndNote for referencing purposes; this is available for free via the UWA Website. The Coursebook (known as CB2) will be made available to students in PDF and students will be asked to purchase a copy of the accompanying reader, Global Issues, which is available in e-book format. Should students not be able to access an online copy, UWA CELT can courier a hard copy book to the student (this will incur a fee for postage).

在课程的第三周,学生将需要下载一个PDF阅读器来学习如何在线注释。第10周,学生将学习如何使用尾注进行引用;这是通过UWA网站免费提供的。该教材(被称为CB2)将以PDF格式提供给学生,学生将被要求购买一份附带的读者,全球问题,这是电子书的格式。如果学生无法获得在线拷贝,UWA CELT可以将一本硬拷贝书寄给学生(这将产生邮费)。

Students will be emailed information with instructions for how to log onto Blackboard and other IT requirements to be set up, prior to Orientation.



Orientation will be done over video (both pre-recorded and live via Zoom) for all students the week before the course starts. Late arrivals cannot be allowed for the 10 week Bridging Course, so all students must be available for Orientation.


We would like to hear from you ASAP, to confirm whether your student will proceed with their Bridging Course enrolment and study online. Please email our Enrolments team (enrolments-celt@uwa.edu.au) to confirm.
