
aurelius · 11381次阅读 · 2020年4月2日 14:06

As you are likely aware, The University of Queensland (UQ) has reacted swiftly to the emerging COVID-19 situation, and moved face-to-face teaching online for Semester 1. 你可能已经意识到,昆士兰大学(UQ)已经迅速对新出现的covid19情况做出了反应,并在第一学期就吧面对面教学改为了线上教学模式 Last week at UQ’s Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE), we successfully commenced online delivery of English language classes to support our students to continue their English language studies in Australia. 上周,在昆士兰大学的继续与TESOL教育学院(ICTE),我们成功地开始了英语语言课程的在线授课,以支持我们的学生在澳大利亚继续他们的英语语言学习。 This first week of our live online classes had overwhelmingly positive feedback from students and teachers. In light of this response, ICTE will open online classes to support all international students, including those who have not been able to travel to Australia due to the current travel restrictions. 第一周的在线课程从学生和老师那里得到了压倒性的积极反馈。鉴于这一反应,ICTE将开设在线课程,以支持所有国际学生,包括那些由于目前的旅行限制而无法前往澳大利亚的学生。

ICTE will be accepting new enrolments from 27 April 2020 (Session 4) onwards.
ICTE将从2020年4月27日(第四届)起接受新注册。 Students will now have the opportunity to study their course online, in real-time with their ICTE teachers and classmates. Online classes will be available to all ICTE students, whether they are located in Australia, or overseas in their home country. Students will be able to transition seamlessly from their online course to face-to-face studies on campus at UQ St Lucia once the travel restrictions are lifted. 学生现在将有机会在线学习他们的课程,与他们的ICTE老师和同学实时交流。在线课程将提供给所有ICTE学生,无论他们是在澳大利亚,还是在他们的祖国的海外。一旦旅行限制取消,学生们将能够在UQ的校园里无缝地从在线课程过渡到面对面的学习。

For UQ Package Offers (English course + UQ program): 针对打包录取 For new package offers, please continue to apply through the online application portal-对于新的打包录取,请仍然联系iae申请 If a student has deferred or cancelled their UQ Package Offer and now wishes to commence their English studies online, please email UQ International Admissions at iascompliance@uq.edu.au-如果一个学生已经推迟或取消了他们的UQ打包录取,现在希望开始他们的在线英语学习,请发送电子邮件到iiance@uq.edu.au的UQ国际招生处 For English only studies: 针对单语言课程 For new stand-alone English language course applications, please continue to apply here or email the completed application to iae-如欲申请新的独立英语课程,请在此继续申请,或将填妥的申请表电邮至iae If a student has deferred or cancelled their ICTE English course and wishes to commence their English studies online, please email ICTE Admissions at admissions@icte.uq.edu.au-如果学生已经推迟或取消了他们的ICTE英语课程,并希望在网上开始他们的英语学习,请通过电子邮件admissions@icte.uq.edu.au申请ICTE All online courses will be supplemented with learning modules, including Macmillan English Campus, which are free and accessible to all enrolled students. 所有在线课程都将增加学习模块,包括Macmillan英语校园,所有注册学生都可以免费使用。 We have also moved our learning support and student engagement activities online. Our team has made a great effort to ensure students are engaged, supported, and achieving their learning goals. Please see our recent announcement on these initiatives here. 我们还把我们的学习支持和学生参与活动移到网上。我们的团队付出了巨大的努力,以确保学生的参与支持,并实现他们的学习目标。请点击这里查看我们最近关于这些举措的公告。 https://www.vision6.com.au/em/message/email/view.php?id=1532835&a=39157&k=8WbovPwAFPjIc2m7rddSKnS1uIClC0K42_0mTbjzHjc We truly appreciate your ongoing support at this difficult time and for assisting students to continue to pursue their learning goals. You can keep up to date on UQ's advice on COVID-19 through our FAQ page. 我们真诚地感谢您在这个困难的时刻给予我们的支持,并帮助学生们继续追求他们的学习目标。您可以通过我们的FAQ页面了解UQ对COVID-19的最新建议。 https://about.uq.edu.au/coronavirus-advice-uq-community#qt-tabs_coronavirus_info-foundation-tabs-5