Cardiff大学语言课政策变化 Update on Cardiff University's

aurelius · 6824次阅读 · 2020年3月30日 17:31

Cardiff University 20周语言课取消,更改为’12 Week pre-sessional Plus’ 课程, 课程模式为3周自学+12周授课。


20-Week Pre-sessional Course

We very much regret to inform you that, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, we will not be able to offer the 20-Week Pre-sessional Course at Cardiff University in 2020.

We recognise this news may be disappointing to your students who may be holding an offer for this programme. We have therefore developed a new course as an alternative option for current 20-Week offer holders. This course will be offered exclusively to current 20-Week Pre-sessional offer holders.

The new course, called the ’12 Week pre-sessional Plus’, will consist of 3 weeks of self-study followed by a 12 week taught course. Students who successfully complete this new course will be accepted on to their academic courses at Cardiff University.

Current 20-Week offer holders will shortly receive an email explaining this information in further detail. If they would like to change to this new course, they will need to confirm this by responding to the email they receive.