
aurelius · 6347次阅读 · 2020年3月30日 10:42

We wish to provide you with important information about COVID-19 related travel restrictions and your student’s enrolment in a South Australian Government School. 我们希望向您提供COVID-19相关旅行限制的重要信息,以及您的学生在南澳大利亚政府学校的注册情况。 We have received a number of queries from agents on behalf of their students and families seeking information about returning to their home countries and future study options. The South Australian Department for Education, International Education Services (IES) is committed to doing all that we can to provide support, particularly because students are living away from their home country during this difficult time. 我们已经收到了一些代表他们的学生和家庭的询问,他们希望获得关于回国和未来学习选择的信息。南澳大利亚教育、国际教育服务部门(IES)致力于尽我们所能提供支持,特别是因为学生们在这个困难时期远离他们的祖国。 As of Friday 20 March 2020, the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs (DHA), has extended restrictions for travellers arriving from overseas. This means that students who have not yet arrived from any overseas country will not be able to do so until further notice. 从2020年3月20日星期五开始,澳大利亚政府,内政部(DHA),已经延长了对来自海外的旅行者的限制。这意味着,尚未从任何海外国家来澳的学生,在得到进一步通知之前,将不能来澳。 Additionally, the South Australian State Government has taken unprecedented action in response to the coronavirus pandemic and now requires all people entering South Australia to isolate for 14 days from their arrival. This means that any student coming into South Australia from any other Australian state will need to adhere to strict self-isolation rules. 此外,南澳大利亚州政府已采取前所未有的行动应对COVID-19,现在要求所有进入南澳大利亚的人在抵达后隔离14天。这意味着任何从澳大利亚其他州来南澳大利亚的学生都必须遵守严格的自我隔离规定。 In addition, some students currently studying in South Australia have chosen to return home due to COVID-19 concerns and travel restrictions. Your student may choose to stay here in South Australia and keep studying in a South Australian Government School, however, we also understand that you may wish for them to return to their home country. Accordingly, we’d like to provide you with the below options to help you make a decision about your student’s enrolment given the evolving COVID-19 situation, online learning complexities, the approaching school holidays and increasing international travel uncertainties. 此外,一些目前在南澳大利亚学习的学生由于COVID-19和旅行限制而选择回国。您的学生可以选择留在南澳大利亚,继续在南澳大利亚政府学校学习,但是,我们也理解您可能希望他们回到自己的国家。因此,鉴于COVID-19课程形势的变化、在线学习的复杂性、学校假期的临近以及国际旅行不确定性的增加,我们愿意为您提供以下选项,以帮助您对您的学生的入学做出决定。

Remaining in South Australia At this stage our schools are remaining open until Friday 3 April 2020. The week of 6-9 April 2020 has been designated as a pupil-free week for all government schools. Until this date, students are still expected to attend school, however, we understand that some parents would prefer they remain with their homestay, nominated family or approved guardian during this time. 在这个阶段,我们的学校将一直开放到2020年4月3日(星期五)。2020年4月6日至9日为全国公办学校无学生周。在此之前,学生仍然需要上学,然而,我们理解有些家长更希望他们在这段时间与他们的寄宿家庭、指定家庭或认可的监护人呆在一起。

We fully support families who wish to keep students in approved accommodation. Families who choose this option for their children should be informed that it will not indirectly affect their attendance. To comply with the attendance reporting requirements under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act), a period of isolation like this may be considered as equivalent to a period of illness and will not be recorded as an unexplained absence. Short term absences for the remainder of this term will fall into this category. Schools will work with these students to ensure they can access as much of the curriculum from home through online platforms such as Daymap or SEQTA. Although we cannot predict at this stage what will happen in the future, our schools will be fully prepared to use the teaching platforms available online from their school to deliver lessons to students in their home. Our schools are working extremely hard to ensure no student who chooses to stay in South Australia is disadvantaged. 我们全力支持那些希望让学生住在政府认可的宿舍的家庭。为子女选择这一选择的家庭应被告知,这不会间接影响他们的出勤率。为符合规定的出勤报告要求,像这样的隔离期可能被视为等同于一段疾病期,不会被记录为无故缺勤。本学期剩余时间的短期缺勤将属于这一类别。学校将与这些学生合作,确保他们能够通过Daymap或SEQTA等在线平台在家里获取尽可能多的课程。 虽然现阶段我们无法预测将来会发生什么,但我们的学校会充分利用学校提供的网络教学平台,在学生家中为他们授课。 我们的学校正在非常努力地工作,以确保没有选择留在南澳大利亚的学生处于不利地位。

eferral / temporary suspension of studies Families have the option to defer or temporarily suspend their child’s studies. The student visa will not be affected because we will notify the Department of Human Affairs (DHA) that compassionate and compelling circumstances currently apply to the student’s enrolment. However, please note DHA age restrictions require students to be less than 17 years of age when entering year 9, less than 18 years of age when entering year 10, less than 19 years of age when entering year 11 and less than 20 years of age when entering year 12. If your child is at risk of not meeting this age restriction and would still like to defer, please contact us to discuss.


All tuition fees paid for a deferred study period will be credited in full towards a future study period as previously notified. 所有已缴交之学费,将如数清缴至下一学年

Students have the following deferral / temporary suspension of studies options depending on the curriculum and assessment requirements of their current year level.

l 根据课程及本年度的评核要求,学生可选择以下的延期/暂时停学。 New students whose CoE has been issued for commencing in Term 2, 2020, but visa has NOT been granted and still intend to come to study in South Australian Government Schools, can defer the study plan to Term 3 (20 July) or Term 4 (11 December) 2020.- 已经拿到了CoE的新学生可以从2020年第2学期开始学习,如果没有获得签证,并且仍然打算来南澳大利亚的政府学校学习,可以将学习计划推迟到2020年第3学期(7月20日)或第4学期(12月11日)

l New students whose CoE has been issued for commencing in Term 2, 2020 and visa has also been granted for commencing in Term 2 2020, unable to commence the study but still intends to come, can defer the study plan to Term 3 (20 July) or Term 4 (11 December) 2020.- 原计划于T2/2020入学的新生,并且获得了签证,目前不能开始学习,但仍打算来澳的,可以推迟学习计划T3(7月20日)或T4(2020年12月11日)。

l Continuing students with valid visa but stranded offshore due to travel restrictions, can defer the study plan to Term 3 (20 July) or Term 4 (11 December) 2020.- 持有有效签证但因旅行限制而滞留海外的继续就读的留学生,可以将学习计划推迟到2020年7月20日T3或12月11日T4。

Additionally there have been significant disruptions to the airline industry. This has resulted in widespread cancellations of arranged flights. We wish to assure you that any students who are faced with delays in returning home will be cared for by their homestay.


Withdrawal To withdraw your student from the program, please complete a withdrawal form by 5:00PM (Adelaide time) on Friday 3 April 2020. Please also complete the attached Early Termination Form when notifying us. 若要撤回入学,请于2020年4月3日(星期五)下午5点前(阿德莱德时间)填写一份退出表格,当通知我们时,请同时填写附件中的提前终止表格。 For information about refunds, please refer to the attached document that was sent earlier concerning our refund policy for COVID-19 related cases. 关于退款的信息,请参考之前发送的关于COVID-19相关案例的退款政策的附件。 We would like to thank you all for your ongoing care and commitment to helping our students and their families through this challenge. You are a vital part of the South Australian Government Schools International Student Program and we will work together to ensure the best outcomes across our program, no matter how long it may take. 我们要感谢你们所有人一直以来的关心和承诺,帮助我们的学生和他们的家人度过这次挑战。你们是南澳大利亚政府学校国际学生项目的重要组成部分,我们将共同努力,确保我们的项目取得最佳成果,无论需要多长时间。