澳大利亚Deakin College迪肯学院针对澳洲限制入境政策

aurelius · 6113次阅读 · 2020年3月30日 10:41

I am writing to update you on the latest from the Deakin College Admissions Team regarding our admissions processes. We are temporarily implementing an admissions process for applicants who are affected by COVID-19. Please note that the temporary arrangements have been implemented to assist you with recruiting qualified students for Deakin College. Please find the following update from the Deakin College Admissions Team. 迪肯大学招生组关于我们招生流程的最新情况。我们暂时对受COVID-19影响的申请者实施录取程序。请查看以下迪肯大学招生组的更新。

Temporary arrangements for accepting unofficial application documents

In order to assist you and our future students, we will for a temporary time period, accept unofficial or online documents. Please see the detailed procedures below:



Deakin College Admissions Team has received requests from our agents that are affected by the COVID-19, to accept the unofficial application documents. Currently, many students are unable to obtain official application documents due to the closure of institutions as the coronavirus outbreak evolves globally. In order to support the applicants and our agents in this difficult time and process applications without delay, the Admissions Team is providing the following temporary special arrangements.

受到COVID-19的影响,Deakin College接受了非官方的申请文件。目前,随着冠状病毒在全球范围内的蔓延,许多学生由于学校的关闭而无法获得正式的申请文件。

In order to support the applicants and our agents in this difficult time and process applications without delay, the Admissions Team is providing the following temporary special arrangements. 为了在这个困难时期支持申请人和我们的代理,及时处理申请,招生团队提供了以下临时特别安排。


The Admissions Team will accept screenshots of documents from official institutions in order to make Conditional or Unconditional Offers temporarily in this crucial period. The temporary special admission process will cease immediately when the institutions re-open from the impacted countries. Agents are responsible for assisting us with verifying the authenticity of all screenshot documents submitted.


Consideration of issuing a Conditional Offer

• A screenshot of the institution’s transcript. –大学机构的成绩单截图 • An unofficial English translation.-非正式的英文翻译件 • Any other unofficial documentations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the College. –其他非正式文件将case by case审核

Consideration of issuing an Unconditional Offer

• A screenshot of the completed institution’s transcript.-完成的院校机构的成绩单截图 • Registered agents of Deakin College may act to translate documents for free for applicants during this period if official translation services are not available in the country/city of origin. Agents take full responsibility and all translations may be audited by the College. -如果原籍国/城市没有官方翻译服务,迪肯学院的注册代理可以在此期间为申请人免费翻译文件。所有翻译均由校方审核。 • Agents helping students to gain an unconditional offer via this temporary special admissions process take responsibility for ensuring the genuineness of all documents and following up to provide official documents once available. -通过这一临时特别录取程序帮助学生获得无条件录取的中介机构有责任确保所有文件的真实性,并在有官方文件时及时提供。 • Any other unofficial documentations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the College. -学院将根据具体情况评估其他非官方文件。

Responsibilities of the agents and/or applicants

As the offer is issued on the basis of the unofficial documentation, agents and/or applicants must arrange for their official documentation to be sent to Deakin College as soon as the institutions re-open.


Important information to note

Deakin College may withdraw an offer of admission and/or electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCoE) of any student who fails to meet the entry requirements of their applied course.


Sitting an English placement test

Deakin College will be offering an interim alternative English test to be invigilated by Deakin College staff via Zoom or Skype. The Admissions Team will provide the test once a suitable time has been scheduled with the student. The test will be given to the student at the beginning of the Zoom or Skype session. The student will have 40 minutes to complete and write an essay. At the end of the 40 minutes, the student will be required to upload the completed test to the invigilator who will confirm receipt before ending the test session 迪肯学院将提供一项临时替代英语考试,由迪肯学院的工作人员通过Zoom或Skype进行监考。一旦与学生约定了合适的时间,招生团队将提供考试。测试将在Zoom或Skype课程开始时进行。学生有40分钟的时间完成并写一篇文章。在40分钟结束时,学生将被要求将完成的测试上传至监考人员,监考人员将在考试结束前确认收到试卷

Temporary arrangements for accepting English translations from agents

We are now implementing a temporary arrangement to accept English translations done by the College’s registered agents for this period only. We trust you to be vigilant at this time and to take on this responsibility to assist our students. The temporary arrangement will cease immediately when the institutions re-open. We will randomly audit the English translations and if we believe the quality of the English translation does not meet the requirements of the College and the professional standards; we will cease the practice from these agents immediately. Applicants are also required to provide the official English translations once normal business resumes, and we will seek your assistance in coordinating this for your students as necessary.


Advice to students who are unable to sit an official English test for direct entry programs

We understand that English test results will be delayed due to the closure of the English test centres in impacted countries. We encourage students to provide an existing IELTS result with their application. We can accept an IELTS or equivalent test that was taken up to 3 years ago during this period.

We value your support and will continue to work hard to achieve academic excellence for our College and students. 据我们所知,由于受影响国家的英语考试中心关闭,英语考试成绩将被推迟。我们鼓励学生在申请时提供现有的雅思成绩。我们可以接受三年前的雅思或同等考试。 我们重视您的支持,并将继续努力,为我们的学院和学生取得优异的成绩。