
aurelius · 6660次阅读 · 2020年3月25日 18:02

NZ COVID -19 Alert level raised to maximum

At 1.45 on Monday 23 March, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that the COVID-19 alert level in New Zealand has been raised to Level 3, effective immediately. In 48 hours’ time it will be raised again to Level 4, which means the country will go into full lockdown.

NZ COVID -19警戒级别升至最高 3月23日星期一下午1点45分,新西兰宣布,新西兰的COVID-19警戒级别已升至3级,立即生效。在48小时内,它将再次提高到4级,这意味着该国将进入全面封锁。


All non-essential businesses will be required to close, including restaurants, cafes, bars and cinemas. Essential services such as supermarkets, doctors, pharmacies, essential banking services and petrol stations will remain open.

These measures will be in place for an initial period of four weeks.

所有非必要的业务都将被关闭,包括餐馆、咖啡馆、酒吧和电影院。超市、医生、药房、基本银行服务和加油站等基本服务将继续开放。 这些措施将在最初的四周内实施。

University of Auckland Campus Closure

For the University we are effectively moving into a full campus closure from 11.59 Wednesday 25 March, for a period of four weeks. During this period of closure, only essential services will be allowed to continue on campus. There are very few essential services that will be allowed but these include health services and pastoral care.

奥克兰大学校园关闭 对于大学来说,我们实际上正从3月25日星期三11点59分开始全面关闭校园,为期四周。在关闭期间,只有必要的服务将被允许继续在校园。允许提供的基本服务很少,但包括卫生服务和畜牧护理。

University Housing Remains Open

Accommodation services on campus will continue as normal over the period of the closedown.

大学宿舍仍然开放 在关闭期间,校园住宿服务将照常进行。

Semester 1 Dates

The Teaching Free Week announced last Friday continues to provide our teaching staff with time to make all the necessary preparations to be able to deliver remote teaching and learning from next Monday (30 March). Semester 1 will finish on Monday 6 July and Semester 2 will commence on Monday 27 July.


Assessments All assessment will take place off-campus. As a result, there will be no on-site tests or examinations for the rest of Semester 1. These will be replaced by ‘take home’ off-site assessment exercises, and will apply to students who have been studying on campus and to those students from China who have up to now been covered by study plans. 所有的评估都将在校外进行。因此,在第一学期剩下的时间里,将不会有现场测试或考试。这些将被“带回家”的校外评估练习所取代,并将适用于在校学习的学生,以及那些目前已被学习计划覆盖的中国学生。