
aurelius · 8192次阅读 · 2020年3月25日 14:31

This email provides important information about coronavirus (COVID-19) related travel restrictions and your child’s enrolment in a Victorian government school. We have received a number of queries from students and families seeking information about returning to their home countries and future study options. The Department of Education and Training, Victoria (the Department) is committed to doing all that we can to provide support, particularly because your child is living away from their home country during a difficult time. 这封电子邮件提供了有关冠状病毒(COVID-19)相关旅行限制和您的孩子在维多利亚政府学校注册的重要信息。 我们收到了一些学生和家属的询问,他们希望获得关于回国和未来学习选择的信息。维多利亚教育和培训部(Department of Education and Training)致力于尽我们所能提供支持,特别是因为您的孩子在困难时期离开了他们的祖国。

The Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs (DHA), has extended restrictions for travellers arriving from overseas as of Friday 20 March, see: DHA. This means that students who have not yet arrived from any overseas country will not be able to do so until further notice. In addition, some students have decided they’d like to return home (if they have already commenced) due to COVID-19 concerns and travel restrictions. Your child can choose to stay here in Victoria and keep studying in a Victorian government school. However, we also understand that you may wish for them to return to their home country. Accordingly, we’d like to provide you with the below options to help you make a decision about your child’s enrolment given the evolving COVID-19 situation, online learning complexities, the approaching school holidays and increasing international travel uncertainties. 从3月20日星期五开始,澳大利亚政府,即内政部(DHA)已经延长了对来自海外的旅行者的限制,见:DHA。这意味着,尚未从任何海外国家来澳的学生,在得到进一步通知之前,将不能来澳。 此外,一些学生已经决定回国(如果他们已经commenced),由于COVID-19关注和旅行限制。您的孩子可以选择留在维多利亚,继续在维多利亚政府学校学习。但是,我们也理解你可能希望他们返回他们的祖国。因此,我们将为您提供以下选项,以帮助您根据covid19的情况、在线学习的复杂性、即将到来的学校假期以及不断增加的国际旅行的不确定性来决定您的孩子是否入学。

Deferral / temporary suspension of studies 延期/暂时停课 You have the option to defer or temporarily suspend your child’s studies. Your child’s student visa will not be affected because we will notify the Department of Human Affairs (DHA) that compassionate and compelling circumstances currently apply to your child’s enrolment. All tuition fees paid for a deferred study period will be credited in full towards a future study period. 你可以选择推迟或暂时中止孩子的学业。您孩子的学生签证将不受影响,因为我们将通知 (DHA),您孩子的入学目前符合人道主义和紧迫的情况。所有已缴交之学费将全数计入未来之学习。 Students have the following deferral / temporary suspension of studies options depending on the curriculum and assessment requirements of their current year level. Please discuss the deferral / temporary suspension of studies recommencement with your school International Student Coordinator first in order to support your child’s learning needs and outcomes: 根据课程及本年度的评核要求,学生可选择以下的延期/暂时停学。请先与学校国际学生协调员讨论延期/暂时停学的建议,以支持您孩子的学习需要和成果:

· Foundation to Year 10: defer for term 2, 2020 and recommence in either term 3 or term 4, 2020 depending on parent / student choice. Travel restrictions may limit this option.- 基础到10年级:推迟到2020年T2,根据家长/学生的选择,在2020年T3或T4重新开始。旅行限制可能会限制这个选项。 · Year 11: defer for term 2 and recommence in term 3, 2020 or defer for the remainder of 2020 and recommence in term 1, 2021 depending on your child’s learning needs and outcomes (please note: term 4, 2020 recommencement is not possible due to the curriculum / assessment requirements of year 11). Travel restrictions may limit this option.- 11年级:延迟T2,从T3重新Commence.或推迟2020年余下的入学,重新于T1,2021年开始,根据您孩子的学习需要和结果(请注意:T2.2020是无法重新commence的,由于11年级每年的课程/评估需求)。旅行限制可能会限制这个选项。 · Year 12: defer for the remainder of 2020 and recommence in term 1, 2021 (please note: term 3 or 4, 2020 recommencement is not possible due to the curriculum / assessment requirements of year 12).12年级::推迟2020年的入学,并于2021年1学期重新开始(请注意:由于第12年的课程/评估要求,所以从2020年第3或第4学期的重新开始是不可能的)。

Please note DHA age restrictions require students to be less than 17 years of age when entering year 9, less than 18 years of age when entering year 10, less than 19 years of age when entering year 11 and less than 20 years of age when entering year 12. If your child is at risk of not meeting this age restriction and would still like to defer, please contact us to discuss. 请注意DHA年龄限制要求学生进入9年级时年龄小于17岁,进入10年级时年龄小于18岁,进入11年级时年龄小于19岁,进入12年级时年龄小于20岁。如果您的孩子有不符合年龄限制的风险,并且仍然想推迟,请联系我们讨论。

What you need to do to defer / temporarily suspend your child’s enrolment 你需要做什么来延迟/暂时中止你孩子的注册 Please confirm by email to iae by 5pm Melbourne time, Friday 27 March 2020, indicating the following information: 请于2020年3月27日(星期五)墨尔本时间下午5点前发邮件告知iae联系,邮件内容如下 · Student full name: · Student ID number: · Preferred re/commencement term (as per above advice depending on year level): o term 3, 2020 o term 4, 2020 o term 1, 2021.

After processing your email we will grant you a deferral / temporary suspension of studies and then send an appropriate notification to DHA to protect your child’s student visa. We will also continue to provide you with updates about the coronavirus (COVID-19) travel restrictions and let you know as soon as we receive confirmation that your child is able to come to Australia. 在处理完您的电子邮件后,我们将给予您延期/暂时停学,然后向DHA发送适当的通知,以保护您孩子的学生签证。我们还将继续向您提供有关冠状病毒(COVID-19)旅行限制的最新信息,并在我们收到您的孩子能够来澳大利亚的确认消息后立即通知您。


You also have the option to withdraw your child’s enrolment. We understand that you may prefer to explore other options to continue your child’s education. If you do so, you are welcome to submit a new application to re-enrol in a Victorian government school in 2021 and beyond. 你也可以选择取消你孩子的入学资格。我们理解您可能更愿意探索其他的选择来继续您的孩子的教育。如果你这样做了,欢迎你提交一份新的申请,于2021年及以后在维多利亚政府学校重新入学。

What you need to do to withdraw your child

To withdraw your child from the program, please complete a withdrawal form by 5pm Melbourne time, Friday 27 March 2020. For more information, see: Withdrawal Form.
