
aurelius · 6554次阅读 · 2020年3月21日 11:38

With the current changes happening globally, CQUniversity is working to support our valued partner network and our students, and to provide options for students' study plans. Recent travel restrictions in Australia and other countries, will, for the immediate future, prevent many students from travelling to commence their studies as they had planned.

We understand students may be feeling anxious about the potential delay and impact on their studies in the current environment, so we are pleased to advise the following information. 随着当前全球的变化,CQU证在努力支持我们的学生,并为学生的学习计划提供选择。最近在澳大利亚和其他国家的旅行限制,将在不久的将来阻止许多学生按照他们的计划开始他们的学习。 我们理解,在当前的环境下,学生可能会对潜在的延迟和对他们学习的影响感到焦虑,所以我们很高兴地提供以下信息。

Students are able to study online from their home country. Students will be able to advise you and us if they wish to start their studies online whilst waiting for the travel restrictions to change. This will allow them to commence study and progress as planned through their course.- 学生们可以在自己国家的网上学习。如果学生们希望在等待旅行限制改变的同时在网上开始学习,他们可以向你和我们提出建议。这将使他们能够开始学习和进步计划通过他们的课程。 CQUniversity has a long history of supporting students to study online, and once the travel restrictions are lifted we will be happy to welcome students to our campus (and to Australia) to continue with their studies on campus once they have a student visa.- CQUniversity在支持学生在线学习方面有着悠久的历史,一旦旅行限制被取消,我们将很高兴欢迎学生来到我们的校园(和澳大利亚)继续他们的学业,一旦他们有了学生签证。 We understand that the priority for students will be to travel to Australia once this becomes possible. Their online enrolment would be able to transfer to on-campus at this time.- 我们理解,一旦这成为可能,学生们的首要任务将是前往澳大利亚。他们的在线报名可以在这个时候转到校内。 Please contact us and let us know if your students would like to consider online study, or if you have any other questions. 请联系我们,让我们知道您的学生是否愿意考虑在线学习,或如果您有任何其他问题。 Our International Directorate will be contacting each of our agents individually to reassure you of our support, and to also confirm that CQUniversity continues to honour commission payments for online studies.


The Australian government has announced that as of Friday, 20 March 9:00 pm entry to Australia will be restricted to Australian citizens, permanent residents, their spouses and dependents. This means that unless you have arrived in Australia prior to this time you will be unable to enter the country until this advice is changed.

CQUniversity continues to closely monitor the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and will provide updates through this page here. Please check back on a daily basis for the latest information on how we are managing the situation. It may be useful to bookmark this page so that you can check for any updates to travel advice for Australia.

Please also refer to the websites below for more information. Department of Health Study in Australia Department of Home Affairs