
aurelius · 7862次阅读 · 2020年3月19日 10:32

We have an important announcement regarding our students at The University of Adelaide College. 我们有一个关于阿德莱德大学学生的重要通知。 In response to the COVID-19 situation, and in line with the University of Adelaide, the College is transferring all on-campus classes to an online learning environment for the remainder of Semester 1 2020, starting Monday, 23 March. 为了应对COVID -19的情况,并与阿德莱德大学保持一致,学院将从3月23日(周一)开始,在2020年第一学期剩下的时间里,将所有的校内课程转移到在线学习环境中。 This decision has been taken to ensure the health and wellbeing of our students, and so that their positive learning experience can continue. Our goal is to ensure your students continue with their studies as expected and successfully progress to the University of Adelaide. The College and the University have been preparing for this, and we are confident that this temporary transition to online learning will be a smooth process. 这个决定是为了确保我们学生的健康和幸福,让他们能够继续积极的学习体验。我们的目标是确保您的学生如期完成学业,顺利升入阿德莱德大学。

All the College campuses will remain open from Monday, 23rd of March. All classes and lectures will be delivered online only. Degree Transfer Programs and Pre-Master’s Program tutorials will be moved online progressively. Further details will be available in the next few days.


We can confirm that there have not been any cases of positive COVID-19 test results within the College community, and our campuses remain a safe environment to study, for those that wish to come to campus. 我们可以确认,在大学内没有任何COVID-19测试结果呈阳性的案例,对于那些希望进入校园的人来说,我们的校园仍然是一个安全的学习环境。

We understand that you and your students may have a lot of questions, so we have also prepared an agent FAQ page on our website which you can access here. These are in addition to our general FAQs which are being updated regularly. Please go to college.adelaide.edu.au/novel-coronavirus/ for the most up to date information. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, or you require support please contact your market manager. 我们理解您和您的学生可能会有很多问题,所以我们也在我们的网站上准备了一个代理FAQ页面,您可以在这里访问。这些是除了我们经常更新的一般faq之外的。请到学院网站。adelaide.edu.au/novel-coronavirus/获取最新信息。