
aurelius · 8575次阅读 · 2020年3月19日 10:31

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for governments, businesses and people across the world. Universities have not been exempt from this upheaval. We’re working hard to adapt our ways of working and teaching to ensure that students can continue their studies. As a key business partner, we want to make sure that we keep you informed of our response to the situation. 冠状病毒(COVID-19)大流行给世界各国政府、企业和人民带来了前所未有的挑战。大学也未能幸免。我们正在努力适应我们的工作和教学方式,以确保学生能够继续学习。作为一个重要的商业伙伴,我们想要确保我们随时向您通报我们对该情况的反应。

Bringing forward the Easter break The University has taken a decision to substantially move to an online learning environment to support the provision of continued learning and teaching. In order to facilitate these changes, the University has paused all face-to-face and online teaching from 18 March 2019. Teaching will resume on Monday 30 March. 复活节假期提前了 大学已决定大幅转向网上学习,以支持持续学习和教学。为了促进这些变化,该大学从2019年3月18日起暂停所有面对面和在线教学。教学将于3月30日星期一恢复。 The Easter break previously scheduled for 13 April to 26 April will now be a part of the normal academic teaching period. It's important to note that the classes for MUIC, ELC, Applied Finance Centre, MGSM and few other areas will continue as normal due to the nature of their delivery structure. 复活节假期原定于4月13日至4月26日,现为正常教学时间的一部分。需要注意的是,MUIC、ELC、应用金融中心、MGSM和其他一些领域的课程由于其授课结构的性质将继续正常上课。

Transition to online teaching The University will use the time up to 30 March to transition to the online delivery of lectures and seminars as feasible. While we anticipate most units will be delivered online when teaching resumes, some units may not be able to be taught online and alternative arrangements are being considered for these units. 向在线教学的过渡 在可行的情况下,大学将利用3月30日之前的时间过渡到在线授课和研讨会。虽然我们预期大部分单元将在恢复教学时在线授课,但有些单元可能无法在线授课,我们正在考虑这些单元的替代安排。

MUIC Term 2 and ELC Block 2 intake The Australian Government has introduced a requirement that all international arrivals are required to undertake 14-days of self-isolation when they first arrive in Australia. With this in mind, the Macquarie International Admissions team has contacted and advised students who are yet to reach Australia to defer their commencement for Term 2 MUIC (commencing on 30 March) and ELC Block 3 (commencing on 23 March) to the next available terms. 澳大利亚政府提出了一项要求,要求所有国际抵达者在首次抵达澳大利亚时必须进行14天的自我隔离。有鉴于此,MUIC联系并建议尚未抵达澳大利亚的学生将T2的MUIC(3月30日开始)和Block3的ELC(3月23日开始)的开学日期推迟到下一学期。

Extension to the Session 1 Census Date
In addition to these changes, the University has extended the Census Date (i.e. last date to withdraw without financial penalty) from 18 March to 3 April 2020. This is to ensure that no students are unfairly impacted by the evolving situation. 除了这些变化外,大学还将Census Date (即最后一个不受经济处罚的withdraw日期)从3月18日延长至2020年4月3日。这是为了确保没有学生受到不公平的影响,演变的情况。 Please be assured that Macquarie University is closely following the advice of the Australian Government and NSW Health Department. The Vice-Chancellor has established a taskforce to address this rapidly changing situation and a dedicated COVID-19 FAQs page has been set up to share the latest information with Macquarie University students. 请放心,麦考瑞大学将严格遵循澳大利亚政府和新南威尔士州卫生部门的建议。副校长已经成立了一个工作组来应对这一迅速变化的形势,并建立了一个专门的covid19 faq页面,与学生分享最新信息。