澳大利亚Deakin College迪肯学院在线课程更新

aurelius · 8124次阅读 · 2020年3月18日 10:52

I am writing to update you with the latest information on what Deakin College is doing to prepare for the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The following information was also sent to students on Monday, 16 March 2020.


"The coronavirus outbreak is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation, and Deakin College is responding daily to the guidance of health experts and advice from Deakin University. The health and well-being of students and staff is Deakin College’s highest priority. We acknowledge the anxiety and stress the COVID-19 situation is causing everyone in the community. “冠状病毒的爆发是一种新兴的、迅速演变的情况,迪肯学院每天都在响应卫生专家的指导和迪肯大学的建议。迪肯学院把学生和教职工的健康和福祉放在首位。大学里的每个人都面临着焦虑和压力。

To help you, Deakin College will offer a flexible delivery mode of learning from Wednesday, 18 March. The flexible delivery will comprise of the option of either attending on-campus or online classes. 为了帮助您,迪肯学院将从3月18日(星期三)开始提供灵活的授课方式。这种灵活的授课方式将包括参加校内课程或在线课程两种选择。

From Wednesday, 18 March Deakin College will continue to run classes on-campus as well as online following the College’s current timetable. If you cannot attend classes on-campus, you may participate in online classes. 从3月18日星期三开始,迪肯学院将继续在校内和网上开设课程。如果你不能在学校上课,你可以参加在线课程。

Further instructions on how to attend online classes will be provided to you by your respective Academic Coordinator/Teacher soon. The staff of Deakin College will continue to work hard to support all students regardless of whether you choose to study on-campus or via flexible delivery mode. 有关如何参加网上课程的进一步指示,将由有关的学术协调员/老师尽快提供。迪肯学院的工作人员将继续努力工作,以支持所有的学生,无论你选择在校园学习或通过灵活的授课模式

I will continue to write to you regularly as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to change, keeping you informed through regular email communications as decisions are made that affect your studies." 随着COVID-19疫情的持续变化,我将继续定期给你们写信,在做出影响你们学业的决定时,我会通过定期的电子邮件与你们保持联系。

In addition to regular communications, the below poster also appears around each campus: