
aurelius · 5508次阅读 · 2020年3月18日 10:21

I would like to give you further updates on what we are doing on campus to ensure your students are supported with their studies. 我想进一步向您介绍我们在校园所做的工作,以确保您的学生能够得到学业上的支持。 The situation with COVID-19 continues to change at a rapid pace, and La Trobe College Australia (LTCA) / La Trobe University Sydney Campus (LTUSC) has first and foremost in mind the health and wellbeing of our community covid19的情况继续在快速变化,澳大利亚乐卓博学院(LTCA) /乐卓博大学悉尼校区(LTUSC)首先考虑的是我们学生及教职员工的健康和福祉。 Both LTCA and LTUSC will have a one-week stop in teaching on campus as of today (17 March 2020), and will then change to teaching in online mode for all students. 从今天(2020年3月17日)开始,LTCA和LTUSC都将停止一周校内授课,之后将转为面向所有学生的在线教学模式。

Students are advised via email and SMS not to come to class today (Tuesday 17 March) until further notice. Teachers will be in contact with their students about how the online teaching will work for them. We will be working hard to ensure that online teaching will provide them with a quality learning experience, and also that we have people who can give them the support they need to study online successfully. 学校于今天(3月17日星期二)或之前,透过电邮及短讯通知本校学生。教师将与学生接触,了解在线教学将如何为他们服务。我们将努力工作,以确保在线教学将为他们提供优质的学习体验,我们也有人可以给他们的支持,他们需要在网上学习成功。

This means: A one week pause of all teaching activities that will allow our teaching staff to get ready, and to help your students get ready, for the an online format.- 所有教学活动暂停一周,让我们的教师做好准备,帮助您的学生做好准备,为在线课程做好准备。 Teaching to start again on Monday, 23 March, for the rest of the teaching period.- 教学将于3月23日(星期一)重新开始,直到教学结束。 On-campus events cancelled. Sports facilities, libraries and student accommodation remain open.

We do not know how long this will be required, but will be monitoring the situation closely, and keeping you updated regularly.