
Aurelius · 7616次阅读 · 2020年3月6日 13:21

澳洲签证续签指引 BVA applicant would satisfy the requirements if: they have made a valid application, in Australia (Note: the words ‘in Australia’ refer to the visa application, not to the applicant), for a substantive visa that can be granted to them while they are in Australia and 需要提交一个可以在澳洲境内批签的实质性签证 that substantive visa application has not been finally determined 签证还在审理 and at the time of making that substantive visa application held a substantive visa and 递交新的实质性签证时,需要有一个有效的实质性签证 Bridging visa A(简称 BVA) 即过桥签证,用于留学生澳洲境内签证过度。 either: • they have applied for a BVA using an approved form specified in a legislative instrument under item 1301(1) (the form they have used to lodge their substantive visa application, form 1005 or form 1005 (Internet) where available); or • a BVA can be granted in respect of that substantive visa application under regulation 2.21B - see also PAM3: Sch2 - Bridging visas - Visa application and related 案例1:学生签证已经过期 解决方案: A 需要尽快在澳洲境外递交学生签证,并且只有在批签之后,才可入境澳洲 案例2:学生签证在3月21号到期 解决方案: 建议学生尽早在3月21号之前,在澳洲境外递交学生签证 A 如果3月21号之前,学生签证批签并且解禁,学生可持新的学生签证入境澳 洲 B 如果3月21号之前,澳洲政府解禁,但是学生签证还未批签,学生可以在3 月21号之前入境,并且在旧的签证到期前,联系我们,尽快申请过桥A签证 C 如果3月21号仍然没有解禁,学生需要在澳洲境外等待签证结果 案例3:学生签证在9月份到期 解决方案: 由于此类学生的学生签证到期日比较晚,我们预计此类学生,在澳洲政府解 禁后,可以持现有签证,正常入境。 Check document checklist evidence from Home Affairs website https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/web-evidentiary-tool Identity Evidence of intended study including eCOE (s), Offer letter (s) Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for entire duration of the program Evidence of Financial Capacity (if applicable) Evidence of English language ability (if applicable) Employment history (if applicable) Evidence of Relationship (if applicable) Evidence of school enrolment dependants (if applicable) Genuine Temporary Entrant Statement identity Passport – must be more than 6 months Ccolor copy of birth certificate You must provide either: 1.sufficient funds to cover your travel costs and 12 months of living and tuition fees for you and your accompanying family members and school costs for any school aged dependants, or 2.evidence that your spouse or parents are willing to support you and they have an annual income of at least AUD 62,222 for single students or at least AUD 72,592 for students that are accompanied by family members 3. Evidence of relationship with the financial sponsor (if applicable)

近期续签案例分享: 王同学目前人在澳洲,持有打工度假签证且三月份即到期; 三月份入读阿大的Master课程,学生想在澳洲境内递交学生签证,并且希望通过拿到BVA,来过度学生签证受理的这段时间。

重要提示 application process question 1 申请过桥A签证是否需要付额外的申请费用? 申请过桥A签证是没有申请费用的 2 在澳洲境外是否可以做体检? 据了解,国内的体检中心有些目前是开放的,但是取决于学生所在的城市是否允许学生出入 3 是否可以回3 是否可以回到澳洲之后做体检? • 对于只能在澳洲境外等待签证结果的同学来说,是无法在澳洲做体检的 • 对于签证递交之后,可以入境澳洲并且申请过桥A签证的同学,是可以在 澳洲境内预约体检,并且在澳洲境内等待签证结果到澳洲之后做体检? • 对于只能在澳洲境外等待签证结果的同学来说,是无法在澳洲做体检的 • 对于签证递交之后,可以入境澳洲并且申请过桥A签证的同学,是可以在 澳洲境内预约体检,并且在澳洲境内等待签证结果