
Aurelius · 4489次阅读 · 2020年3月3日 12:31

We have just emailed commencing and continuing students affected by the travel restrictions with some important updates. This includes a A$10 million hardship fund for UTS students in recognition of the difficulties they are facing. 我们刚刚通过电子邮件向受旅行限制影响的新生和继续就读学生发送了一些重要的更新。这包括为悉尼科技大学的学生提供1000万澳元的困难基金,以支持他们所面临的困难

To be eligible for a grant, students will have been scheduled to start or continue their studies at UTS in Autumn session 2020. The total amount payable to each student will be determined based on their individual circumstances and actual costs incurred. 将在2020年秋季学期开始或继续他们的学业的学生有资格获得资助。每名学生的总金额将根据其个人情况和实际发生的费用而定。

符合条件的费用包括: Eligible expenses include: l Additional accommodation costs 额外的住宿费用 l Costs associated with self-isolation 与自我隔离相关的费用 l Flight changes 航班变化 l IT expenses IT费用

Other expenses will also be considered on a case-by-case basis. We will email students in the next two weeks with more details about how to apply for the grants. 其他费用也将个别审议。 我们将在接下来的两周内给学生们发邮件,告诉他们如何申请资助的更多细节。

UTS has also organised a webinar on Wednesday 4 March, 11am (Beijing time) for students affected by the coronavirus situation (COVID-19) and associated travel restrictions. Please register here. UTS在2020.3.4的上午11点有一个网络会议,详情可通过网址注册。 https://utsmeet.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_z4OcBgYKRZ2XJsJyuyfmWg

You can view the full emails to commencing students here and to continuing students here. 关于补助的具体邮件可以参考网址查询如何申请: https://view.connect.uts.edu.au/?qs=bcdcf57fba8ec78c8ce55cf5bfe772753bdbc11637afa49bfb0835834c153db86b378077a81560246501dd13215c7fbf6614037c6d519f9e00d3b8e59bc8e3f54741c18ecb73780bd3080a15f2f2f920

Please also continue to check this page on the UTS website for updates and answers to FAQs on the UTS website.