
奥勒留出国留学 · 2725次阅读 · 2019年9月7日 15:14

Clarification on English Language Documentation

Online version/screenshot of results

If an applicant is unable to provide official English test results by the application deadline for each round, they may provide an online version or a screenshot of the results in their application. The application will be considered for the relevant offer round and if they are successful in receiving an offer to their chosen program, they will have until the time they accept the offer to provide us with the official results.


Academic documentation

If an applicant can demonstrate through their academic documents that they:

have successfully completed 1.5 full-time years of their current tertiary program in a Group A country; and

have enrolled in enough courses to bring them up to 2 full-time years at the end of their current program.

ANU can deem the applicant as having met the University’s English language requirements for the purposes of assessment. This is subject to a final check by ANU, at the time of acceptance to ensure that the remaining 0.5 year was successfully completed.


  1. 在GroupA的国家已经完成了1.5年的全日制高等教育课程并且

  2. 在目前的课程结束时,可以修够两年的全日制课程。

澳国立可以将上述情况的学生视为满足语言要求, ANU在最后接受阶段会再次检查,确保剩余的0.5年顺利完成。

澳洲国立大学S1 2020申请关于更改专业的通知

We would like to advise you that UAC applicants will have access to change their program preference from today, 6 September, until 11.59PM AEST 12 September 2019. Students and agents can log into the application portal and change the preference now.


Note on students who have not met minimum entry requirements

