
Aurelius Education · 3431次阅读 · 2018年10月24日 10:26

King's College最近更新以下信息:

1.Global Media Industries MA专业需提交不超过2000英文单词的writing sample, 内容需与全球媒体产业相关。(具体要求见下图)

2.本科预科:9 pathways available. Liberal Arts & Political Science, Mathematics & Chemistry 2019/20入学已经关闭

3.以下硕士课程已关闭申请 - MSc Computing and Internet Systems - MSc Web Intelligence - MSc Computer Systems Engineering with Management - MSc Advanced Computing with Management - MSc Advanced Software Engineering with Management

4.课程名称更改 - Computing and Security MSc 更改为 Cyber Security MSc - Intelligent Systems MSc 更改为 Artificial Intelligence MSc