Newsletter 【澳大利亚】UOM简报- June2020和语言班课程提醒

aurelius · 63235次阅读 · 2020年6月30日 15:48


1.材料可以直接上传到online portal 2.申请审理周期是从申请材料齐全的正式审理开始日期起算,而不是从申请递交日期起算 3.PG可能会考虑late application,具体以学校官网信息为准 4.新的延期offer会在限定情况下发放:1 学生满足无条件录取; 2 学生需要新的Offer申请配语言班 3 奖学金申请或者其他资金资助时需要 5.国际学生递交的2021年申请会在8、9月开审。现阶段本科admission正在优先处理通过VTAC申请S2/2020的申请; 6.未满18周岁的本科申请人接受offer前需要跟墨大提早确认住宿和监护安排; 7.美高文凭如果不是指定机构认证的,请确保申请提交时含有所有学校认证的材料。指定机构:Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools, Cognia (formerly AdvancED), Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of School and Colleges (WASC), or New England Association of Schools and Colleges 8.人文学院S1/2021 intake的申请deadline被延长到2020年11月30日,late application可能会case by case考虑,最晚至12.31日截止 9.Master of Social Work 2020.7月春季入学符合指定条件的,可在48小时内处理申请。 10.Master of Engineering (Materials) 2021 年会暂定接受申请for program restructuring (S2/2020是该课程的final intake),2022年会重新relaunch。 即日起相关课程延期不再受理,已递交2021年申请的将会收到通知询问是否愿意改申其他方向; 11.为满足The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 的要求,Master of Nursing Science 即日起语言要求改为雅思4个7 (只认可雅思,PTE以及TOEFL IBT, 不认可CAE或TOEFL paper based);

另附墨大语言中心20周UMELBP Prep课程提醒:




提醒:UMELBP Prep并不适合所有课程,有些课程还是最多只能配UMELBP,教育学院就最多就只能配UMELBP,商学院的M.Finance也是,不适用UMELBP Prep



20-week packaged enrolment with direct entry to the University of Melbourne.

With the introduction of the UMELBP Prep your students have even more opportunities to achieve direct entry to the University of Melbourne commencing 2021.


UMELBP Prep - University of Melbourne English Language Bridging Program Preparation


UMELBP - University of Melbourne English Language Bridging Program

Course dates:

31 August 2020 to 5 February 2021 (20 weeks)

The enrolment will include 10 weeks of UMELBP Prep + 10 weeks of UMELBP.

UMELBP Prep entry requirements:

This option is available to international students with an offer for a University course that requires an IELTS 6.5 (with no band less than 6.0) who currently have:

· IELTS : 5.5 (no band less than 5.0)

· TOEFL : 46 + writing 14; speaking 14; reading 4; listening 5

· PTE : 42 with no communicative skill below 36

Note that with this option:

The English studies are recognised by the University of Melbourne as meeting the English requirements. That is:

· By successfully completing the UMELBP Prep, students can progress to the UMELBP course.

· By successfully completing the UMELBP course, students can progress to the University of Melbourne without taking another IELTS, TOEFL or PTE test.

In the event travel restrictions remain in place, the above course/s will be delivered online