澳大利亚UNSW Sydney悉尼新南威尔士大学助学金及学生支持信息发布

aurelius · 11410次阅读 · 2020年4月16日 15:37

We want to thank you all for your patience and understanding as we work to respond to the ever-evolving guidelines and regulations laid out by federal and state government leaders and health officials. 我们要感谢你们所有人的耐心和理解,因为我们正在努力应对联邦和州政府领导人和卫生官员制定的不断变化的指导方针和条例。 We are aware that students may be facing unexpected financial burdens as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. To help students during these challenging times, UNSW has invested in a support package for students affected by the COVID-19 situation who are currently on-shore in Australia. 我们意识到,学生可能会面临意想不到的经济负担,由于COVID-19爆发。为了帮助学生度过这段充满挑战的时期,新南威尔士大学已经投资了一项支持计划,以帮助那些目前在澳大利亚的受COVID-19影响的学生。 Below is an outline of the key measures for students. Students will need to contact a Student Advisor to discuss and determine whether they are eligible for financial support: 以下是针对学生的主要措施。学生需要联系学校,讨论并确定他们是否有资格获得经济资助: UNSW student advisor: advisors@unsw.edu.au or UNSW Global student advisor: student.support@unswglobal.unsw.edu.au

Emergency E-Vouchers ($200 each) 紧急电子优惠券(每张200元) The Emergency E-Voucher scheme is an existing scheme to support any student, domestic or international, experiencing temporary financial stress and serves to help with day-to-day urgent needs, for example, groceries, internet and data access. Under this scheme, Supermarket vouchers or Prepaid Debit Cards are available up to the value of $200. 紧急电子代金券计划是一项现有的计划,旨在支持任何暂时面临经济压力的学生,无论他们来自国内还是国际,并帮助解决日常生活中的紧急需求,例如杂货、互联网和数据访问。根据这项计划,超市购物券或预付借记卡的价值最高可达200澳币。 Students may only receive one voucher with referral to support services (SSS or ISEU) for further financial support if required. 如有需要,学生只可获一份转介支援服务(SSS或ISEU)的学券,以作进一步的经济资助。

Emergency Grants紧急拨款 One-off emergency grants are available for students who have complex needs and are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 situation. The grants will be allocated to provide students with timely financial support to help enable them to continue with their studies 对于有复杂需要的学生,以及因第19号签证而出现经济困难的学生,可获得一次性紧急补助金。助学金将会拨出,为学生提供适时的财政支援,帮助他们继续学业。 Students whose circumstances include multiple issues associated with housing/accommodation; disability or access; mental health; carer responsibilities; financial insecurity related to loss of casual work and other loss of income, may be eligible for a one-off grant of up to $2,000 depending upon individual student needs and circumstances. 学生的情况包括多个与住房/住宿有关的问题;残疾或心理健康,因失去临时工作或其他收入而引致的经济上的不安全,可根据个别学生的需要及情况,获得最高2,000元的一次拨款。

Interest Free Loans无利息贷款 UNSW has a package of interest free loans available for students experiencing financial stress ranging in value from $200 up to $4,000. Under the new financial support package, UNSW will deliver these loans more quickly to those who qualify and will also increase the pool of funds available. 新南威尔士大学为面临经济压力的学生提供一系列无息贷款,价值从200澳币到4000澳币不等。根据新的财政支持方案,新南威尔士大学将更快地向符合条件的人提供这些贷款,并将增加可用资金池。 Interest free loans are available to both domestic and international students. Students who apply for a loan must be able to satisfy specific criteria, including proving their capacity to repay the loan and sign a legally binding contract that outlines the repayment arrangement. 国内外学生均可获得无息贷款。申请贷款的学生必须能够满足特定的条件,包括证明他们有能力偿还贷款,并签署一份具有法律约束力的合同,概述还款安排。

Access to superannuation and extending working hours for international students 为国际学生提供资助和延长工作时间 In addition to the UNSW support packages, the federal government has announced international students who have been in Australia for more than 12 months can now access their superannuation. 除了新南威尔士大学的一系列资助计划外,联邦政府还宣布,在澳大利亚居住超过12个月的国际学生现在可以领取他们的资助。 Applications for the early release of superannuation will be accepted through the government website from 20 April. 从4月20日起,我们将通过政府网站接受提前发放资助金的申请。 We also want to remind international students that the federal government has introduced special working arrangements for those employed by a major supermarket or working in the aged care sector to extend working hours until 1 May 2020. Ordinarily, students are subject to a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight during term. Students should contact their employer for more information. 我们还想提醒国际学生,联邦政府已经为那些在大型超市工作或在老年护理部门工作的人引入了特殊的工作安排,将工作时间延长到2020年5月1日。一般来说,学生在学期中每两周最多要学习40小时。学生应与雇主联系以获得更多信息。

Student Accommodation 住宿信息 UNSW Accommodation will continue to waive fees for a specified cohort of students who choose to return home or extend their time away from University Colleges and Apartments until the start of Term 2, Monday 1 June.

Students who wish to remain can be confident that normal operations with increased physical distancing protocols and enhanced cleaning will continue.

Scams 谨防诈骗!!! UNSW is aware of two different scams targeting the international student community at this time. The scam emails purport to be from UNSW representatives and use the University’s COVID-19 email header. The scammers ask for large sums of money using false pretences such as that: UNSW is investigating the number of hours international students work and that while the investigation is underway, students must pay a certain large sum of money. Students who have deferred due to COVID19 must have $60,000 (amount may vary) in their bank account and prove this by providing bank account details. Students who don’t comply are threatened with their offer being revoked. It's very important for students to understand that these are scams and that UNSW would not behave or communicate in this way. If any student receives communication asking for money, students should notify IT Service Centre.

Read more about COVID-19 and other scams on the government’s scam watch website.

Recognition of online studies by the Chinese Government CSCSE认可疫情期间远程学习的学历 UNSW has obtained confirmation from Chinese Government officials that UNSW online courses will be recognised by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) if a student's study plan has been disrupted by COVID-19 and associated travel restrictions.