
aurelius · 7332次阅读 · 2020年3月25日 14:29

Temporary Special Admissions Process Accepting Unofficial Application Documentation due to COVID-19 临时特别录取程序 由于COVID-19,接受非官方的申请文件

Background Admissions/Recruitment team has received requests from our agents that are affected by the COVID-19, to accept the unofficial application documents. Currently, many students are unable to obtain official application documents issued by the Academic Affairs Office or the Registrar Office due to the closure of universities as the coronavirus outbreak evolves globally. 招生/招生组已经收到了我们受COVID-19影响的代理的请求,接受非官方的申请文件。目前,由于冠状病毒在全球范围内的蔓延,许多学生无法获得教务处或注册办公室发布的官方申请文件。

In order to support the applicants in their difficult time and process the applications without delay, the Admissions Office is providing the following temporary special arrangements. 为了帮助申请人克服困难,及时处理申请,招生办公室现提供以下临时特别安排: Process Admissions Office will accept screenshots of documents from official university websites in order to make Conditional or Unconditional Offers temporarily in this crucial period. The temporary special admission process will cease immediately when the universities re-open from the impacted countries. Agents are responsible for assisting us with verifying the authenticity of all screenshot documents submitted. 招生办公室将接受大学官方网站的文件截图,以便在这一关键时期暂时提供有条件或无条件的录取通知。临时特别录取程序将在受影响国家的大学重新开放后立即停止。Agent有责任协助大学核实所有提交的截图文件的真实性。

Consideration of issuing a Conditional Offer 考虑出有条件录取的情况: l A screenshot of the University’s transcript from student’s online portal with the results of at least 6 semesters out of 8 semesters or 4 semesters out of 6 semesters in total.- 大学成绩单的截图,来自学生的官方在线门户,8个学期中至少有6个学期的成绩,或6个学期中至少4个学期的成绩。 l An unofficial English translation.- 非正式英语翻译件 l Any other unofficial documentations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the University.- 任何其他非官方文件将由大学case by case进行评估。

Consideration of issuing an Unconditional Offer 考虑出无条件录取的情况: l A screenshot of the completed University’s transcript from student’s online portal.- 完整的大学成绩单的屏幕截图:来自学生的官方在线门户。 l Registered agents of the University of Sydney may act to translate documents for free for applicants during this period if official translation services are not available in the country/city of origin. Agents take full responsibility and all translations may be audited by the University.- 在此期间,如果原籍国/城市暂时还没有开放官方翻译服务,悉尼大学的Agent可以为申请人免费翻译文件。所有的翻译都要经过学校的审核。 l Agents helping students to gain an unconditional offer via this temporary special admissions process take responsibility for ensuring the genuineness of all documents and following up to provide official documents once available.- 通过这个临时的特殊录取程序,帮助学生获得无条件录取的Agent有责任确保所有文件的真实性,并在有官方文件时及时提供。 l Any other unofficial documentations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the University.- 任何其他非官方文件将由大学case by case进行评估。

Deadline for Submission of the Official Documentation 提交正式文件的截止日期 l S2, 2020 Unconditional Offer holders: 31 July 2020 S2/2020无条件录取的最晚递交正式文件截止日期:2020.7.31 l S2, 2020 Conditional Offer holders: as soon as possible when the official documents become available S2/2020有条件录取最晚递交正式文件截止日期:一旦正式文件收到则立即补充

Responsibilities of the agents and/or applicants 申请人/Agent的责任 As the offer is issued on the basis of the unofficial documentation, Agents and/or applicants must arrange for their official documentation to be sent to the University of Sydney as soon as the universities re-open.

For the unconditional offer holders, applicants must provide the official documentation no later than 31 July 2020. You can forward a clear scanned copy of the official documents as soon as possible to iae. If we do not receive the official documentation by the last day to add/enrol for a unit in the intake applied for, your unconditional offer or/and enrolment will be cancelled. 对于无条件录取持有人,申请人必须在2020年7月31日前提供正式文件。您可以尽快将一份清晰的官方文件扫描件转发至iae。如果大学在最后一天还没有收到申请入学的正式文件,你的无条件录取或入学将被取消。 The offer is only valid for commencement in the semester indicated on this offer letter. Your application will be reassessed once Admissions receives your official final transcript and degree certificate. 本录取通知书只适用于本录取通知书所注明的学期开始。一旦录取收到您的正式最终成绩单和学位证书,您的申请将被重新评估

Important information to note 需要注意的重要信息 The University of Sydney may withdraw an offer of admission and/or electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCoE) of any student who fails to meet the entry requirements of their applied course. 悉尼大学可撤销任何未能符合申请课程入学要求的学生的录取通知书和/或电子录取通知书(eCoE)。